@echo off GOTO PROG see notes/remarks directly below this header: ###################################################################### # # Revision: mkver.bat # Author: Frederick Czajka # Date: 02/10/2000 # Purpose: Provide a NT Shell script to replace the perl script # that replaced the UNIX mkver shell script. # # # # Notes: I had two goals with this script one to only use native # NT Shell commands and two was too emulate the PERL style # output. This required some work for the DATE format as # you will see and TIME was really tricky to get a format # matching PERLs! # # # Changes: # 03/03/2017 Brian Inglis # - ensure Windows system32 from COMSPEC added to start # of PATH in case other find commands are on PATH # 02/20/2017 Brian Inglis # - add support for Windows 10 (Home maybe others) rename of # registry Time Zone info from ActiveTimeBias to Bias # 02/23/2011 David J Taylor # - Use reg instead of regedit so "run as # administrator" is not required. # 12/21/2009 Dave Hart # - packageinfo.sh uses prerelease= now not # releasecandidate= # 08/28/2009 Dave Hart # - support for building using per-compiler subdirs of winnt # 08/08/2006 Heiko Gerstung # - bugfixed point / rcpoint errors leading to a wrong # version string # - added a few cases for uppercase strings # 03/09/2005 Heiko Gerstung # - added UTC offset to version time information # - bugfixed several issues preventing this script to be used on NT4 # - removed an obsolete warning # # 03/08/2005 Danny Mayer # - bugfixed NOBK label position # # 03/08/2005 Heiko Gerstung # - bugfixed BK detection and support for multiple ChangeSets # # 02/24/2005 Heiko Gerstung # - check if BK is installed and do not try to call it if not # # # 02/03/2005 Heiko Gerstung # - now getting NTP version from version.m4 (not configure) # - added BK ChangeSet revision and Openssl-Indicator (-o) # to the version number # - major rework of the time and date recognition routines # in order to reflect international settings and OS- # dependand formats # ###################################################################### Notes/Howtos: If you spot an error stating that bk.exe could not be found or executed although it is installed on your computer, you should try to add the path to your BK binary in your IDE configuration (for VisualStudio see Tools/Options/Directories/Executables). Alternatively you can create a file called 'version' in the root path of your ntp source tree which holds a string that is added to the version number. :PROG IF {%1} == {} GOTO USAGE IF {%1} == {-H} GOTO USAGE IF {%2} == {} GOTO USAGE IF {%1} == {-P} GOTO BEGIN REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM For any other bizarre permutation... REM ***************************************************************************************************************** GOTO USAGE :BEGIN SET PATH=%COMSPEC:\cmd.exe=%;%PATH% SET GENERATED_PROGRAM=%2 REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM Reimplemented from orginal Unix Shell script REM ***************************************************************************************************************** IF NOT EXIST .version ECHO 0 > .version FOR /F %%i IN (.version) do @SET RUN=%%i SET /A RUN=%RUN%+1 ECHO %RUN% > .version REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM Resetting variables REM ***************************************************************************************************************** SET VER= SET CSET= SET SSL= SET MYDATE= SET MYTIME= SET DAY=99 SET NMM=99 SET YEAR=0 SET HOUR= SET MIN= SET MMIN= SET SEC= SET SUBSEC= SET DATEDELIM= SET TIMEDELIM= SET DATEFORMAT= SET TIMEFORMAT= SET UTC= SET ACTIVEBIAS= REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM Check if DATE and TIME environment variables are available REM ***************************************************************************************************************** SET MYDATE=%DATE% SET MYTIME=%TIME% REM ** Not available (huh? Are you older than NT4SP6A, grandpa?) IF "%MYDATE%" == "" FOR /F "TOKENS=1 DELIMS=" %%a IN ('date/t') DO SET MYDATE=%%a IF "%MYTIME%" == "" FOR /F "TOKENS=1 DELIMS=" %%a IN ('time/t') DO SET MYTIME=%%a REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM Try to find out UTC offset REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM *** Start with setting a dummy value which is used when we are not able to find out the real UTC offset SET UTC=(LOCAL TIME) SET UTC_HR= SET UTC_MIN= SET UTC_SIGN= REM *** Now get the timezone settings from the registry reg export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation" %TEMP%\TZ-%GENERATED_PROGRAM%.TMP REM was: regedit /e %TEMP%\TZ-%GENERATED_PROGRAM%.TMP "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation" IF NOT EXIST %TEMP%\TZ-%GENERATED_PROGRAM%.TMP GOTO NOTZINFO for /f "Tokens=1* Delims==" %%a in ('type %TEMP%\TZ-%GENERATED_PROGRAM%.TMP') do if %%a == "ActiveTimeBias" SET ACTIVEBIAS=%%b REM Windows 10 - Home and possibly others IF "%ACTIVEBIAS%" == "" for /f "Tokens=1* Delims==" %%a in ('type %TEMP%\TZ-%GENERATED_PROGRAM%.TMP') do if %%a == "Bias" SET ACTIVEBIAS=%%b for /f "Tokens=1* Delims=:" %%a in ('echo %ACTIVEBIAS%') do ( SET ACTIVEBIAS=%%b & SET PARTYP=%%a ) REM *** Clean up temporary file IF EXIST %TEMP%\TZ-%GENERATED_PROGRAM%.TMP DEL %TEMP%\TZ-%GENERATED_PROGRAM%.TMP REM *** Check if we really got a dword value from the registry ... IF NOT "%PARTYP%"=="dword " goto NOTZINFO REM *** Check if we are in UTC timezone, then we can avoid some stress... if "%ACTIVEBIAS%" == "00000000" SET UTC=(UTC) & GOTO NOTZINFO SET HI=0x%ACTIVEBIAS:~0,4% SET LO=0x%ACTIVEBIAS:~4,4% if "%HI%"=="0xffff" ( SET /A ACTIVEBIAS=%LO% - %HI% - 1 ) ELSE ( SET /A ACTIVEBIAS=%LO%) SET /A UTC_HR="%ACTIVEBIAS%/60" SET /A UTC_MIN="%ACTIVEBIAS% %% 60" SET UTC_SIGN=%ACTIVEBIAS:~0,1% REM *** check the direction in which the local timezone alters UTC time IF NOT "%UTC_SIGN%"=="-" SET UTC_SIGN=+ IF "%UTC_SIGN%"=="-" SET UTC_HR=%UTC_HR:~1,2% REM *** Now turn the direction, because we need to know it from the viewpoint of UTC IF "%UTC_SIGN%"=="+" (SET UTC_SIGN=-) ELSE (SET UTC_SIGN=+) REM *** Put the values in a "00" format IF %UTC_HR% LEQ 9 SET UTC_HR=0%UTC_HR% IF %UTC_MIN% LEQ 9 SET UTC_MIN=0%UTC_MIN% REM *** Set up UTC offset string used in version string SET UTC=(UTC%UTC_SIGN%%UTC_HR%:%UTC_MIN%) :NOTZINFO echo off REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM Now grab the Version number out of the source code (using the packageinfo.sh file...) REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM First, get the main NTP version number. In recent versions this must be extracted REM from a packageinfo.sh file while in earlier versions the info was available from REM a version.m4 file. SET F_PACKAGEINFO_SH=..\..\..\..\packageinfo.sh IF EXIST %F_PACKAGEINFO_SH% goto VER_FROM_PACKAGE_INFO REM next two lines can go away when all windows compilers are building under rem ports\winnt\\ (ports\winnt\vs2008\ntpd) rem rather than ports\winnt\ (ports\winnt\ntpd) SET F_PACKAGEINFO_SH=..\..\..\packageinfo.sh IF EXIST %F_PACKAGEINFO_SH% goto VER_FROM_PACKAGE_INFO goto ERRNOVERF :VER_FROM_PACKAGE_INFO REM Get version from packageinfo.sh file, which contains lines reading e.g. TYPE %F_PACKAGEINFO_SH% | FIND /V "rcpoint=" | FIND /V "betapoint=" | FIND "point=" > point.txt SET F_POINT_SH=point.txt FOR /F "eol=# TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%a IN ('findstr "proto=" %%F_PACKAGEINFO_SH%%') DO SET PROTO=%%a FOR /F "eol=# TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%a IN ('findstr "major=" %%F_PACKAGEINFO_SH%%') DO SET MAJOR=%%a FOR /F "eol=# TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%a IN ('findstr "minor=" %%F_PACKAGEINFO_SH%%') DO SET MINOR=%%a FOR /F "eol=# TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%a IN ('findstr "point=" %%F_POINT_SH%%') DO SET POINT=%%a IF "%POINT%"=="NEW" set POINT= IF NOT "%POINT%"=="" set POINT=p%POINT% FOR /F "eol=# TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%a IN ('findstr "betapoint=" %%F_PACKAGEINFO_SH%%') DO SET BETAPOINT=%%a FOR /F "eol=# TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%a IN ('findstr "rcpoint=" %%F_PACKAGEINFO_SH%%') DO SET RCPOINT=%%a FOR /F "eol=# TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%a IN ('findstr "special=" %%F_PACKAGEINFO_SH%%') DO SET SPECIAL=%%a IF NOT "%SPECIAL%"=="" set SPECIAL=-%SPECIAL% FOR /F "eol=# TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%a IN ('findstr "prerelease=" %%F_PACKAGEINFO_SH%%') DO SET PRERELEASE=%%a IF /I "%PRERELEASE%"=="beta" set PR_SUF=-beta IF /I "%PRERELEASE%"=="rc" set PR_SUF=-RC FOR /F "eol=# TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%a IN ('findstr "repotype=" %%F_PACKAGEINFO_SH%%') DO SET REPOTYPE=%%a IF /I "%REPOTYPE%"=="stable" set REPOTYPE=STABLE IF NOT "%REPOTYPE%"=="STABLE" SET RCPOINT= IF "%PR_SUF%"=="-RC" set PR_POINT=%RCPOINT% IF "%PR_SUF%"=="-beta" set PR_POINT=%BETAPOINT% SET VER=%PROTO%.%MAJOR%.%MINOR%%POINT%%SPECIAL%%PR_SUF%%PR_POINT% REM Now we have the version info, try to add a BK ChangeSet version number REM ** Check if BK is installed ... bk -R prs -hr+ -nd:I: ChangeSet 2> NUL > NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO NOBK REM ** Try to get the CSet rev directly from BK FOR /F "TOKENS=1 DELIMS==" %%a IN ('bk.exe -R prs -hr+ -nd:I: ChangeSet') DO @SET CSET=%%a :NOBK REM ** If that was not successful, we'll take a look into a version file, if available IF EXIST ..\..\..\..\sntp\scm-rev ( IF "%CSET%"=="" FOR /F "TOKENS=1" %%a IN ('type ..\..\..\..\sntp\scm-rev') DO @SET CSET=%%a ) REM next if block can go away once all windows compilers are building in REM ports\winnt\\ (ports\winnt\vs2008\ntpd) IF EXIST ..\..\..\sntp\scm-rev ( IF "%CSET%"=="" FOR /F "TOKENS=1" %%a IN ('type ..\..\..\sntp\scm-rev') DO @SET CSET=%%a ) REM ** Now, expand our version number with the CSet revision, if we managed to get one IF NOT "%CSET%"=="" SET VER=%VER%@%CSET% REM We can add a "crypto" identifier (-o) if we see that Crypto support is included in our build REM we always include openssl on windows... SET VER=%VER%-o REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM Check for user settings regarding the time and date format, we use the registry to find out... REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM Any temporary files left from a previous run? Go where you belong... IF exist userset.reg del userset.reg IF exist userset.txt del userset.txt reg export "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International" userset.reg REM was: regedit /E userset.reg "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International" IF not exist userset.reg goto ERRNOREG rem *** convert from unicode to ascii if necessary type userset.reg > userset.txt FOR /F "TOKENS=1-9 DELIMS== " %%a IN ('findstr "iDate" userset.txt') DO SET DATEFORMAT=%%b FOR /F "TOKENS=1-9 DELIMS== " %%a IN ('findstr "iTime" userset.txt') DO SET TIMEFORMAT=%%b FOR /F "TOKENS=1-9 DELIMS== " %%a IN ('findstr /R "sDate\>" userset.txt') DO SET DATEDELIM=%%b FOR /F "TOKENS=1-9 DELIMS== " %%a IN ('findstr /R "sTime\>" userset.txt') DO SET TIMEDELIM=%%b IF "%TIMEFORMAT%"=="" GOTO ERRNOTIME IF "%DATEFORMAT%"=="" GOTO ERRNODATE IF "%TIMEDELIM%"=="" GOTO ERRNOTIME IF "%DATEDELIM%"=="" GOTO ERRNODATE SET TIMEDELIM=%TIMEDELIM:~1,1% SET DATEDELIM=%DATEDELIM:~1,1% SET TIMEFORMAT=%TIMEFORMAT:~1,1% SET DATEFORMAT=%DATEFORMAT:~1,1% REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM Well, well. Its time to look at the time and format it in a standard way (if possible) REM ***************************************************************************************************************** FOR /F "TOKENS=1-4 DELIMS=%TIMEDELIM% " %%a IN ('echo %MYTIME%') DO SET AA=%%a&SET BB=%%b&SET CC=%%c&SET DD=%%d REM 12H Format IF "%TIMEFORMAT%" == "0" ( SET HOUR=%AA% SET MIN=%BB% FOR /F "USEBACKQ TOKENS=1 DELIMS=ap" %%a IN ('%BB%') DO SET MMIN=%%a SET SEC=%CC% SET SUBSEC=%DD% ) REM Get rid of the "a" or "p" if we have one of these in our minute string IF NOT "%MMIN%"=="%MIN%" FOR /F "USEBACKQ TOKENS=1 DELIMS=ap " %%a IN ('%MIN%') DO SET MIN=%%a REM 24H Format IF "%TIMEFORMAT%" == "1" ( SET HOUR=%AA% SET MIN=%BB% SET SEC=%CC% SET SUBSEC=%DD% ) IF "%HOUR%"=="" GOTO ERRNOTIME IF "%MIN%"=="" GOTO ERRNOTIME IF "%SEC%"=="" SET SEC=00 IF "%SUBSEC%"=="" SET SUBSEC=00 REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM It's time to format the date :-) REM ***************************************************************************************************************** FOR /F "TOKENS=1-4 DELIMS=./- " %%a IN ('ECHO %MYDATE%') DO SET AA=%%a&SET BB=%%b&SET CC=%%c&SET DD=%%d IF "%DD%" == "" ( REM No Day of Week in Date ( IF "%DATEFORMAT%" == "0" SET DOW=_&SET DAY=%BB%&SET NMM=%AA%&SET YEAR=%CC% ) ( IF "%DATEFORMAT%" == "1" SET DOW=_&SET DAY=%AA%&SET NMM=%BB%&SET YEAR=%CC% ) ( IF "%DATEFORMAT%" == "2" SET DOW=_&SET DAY=%CC%&SET NMM=%BB%&SET YEAR=%AA% ) ) ELSE ( ( IF "%DATEFORMAT%" == "0" SET DOW=%AA%&SET DAY=%CC%&SET NMM=%BB%&SET YEAR=%DD% ) ( IF "%DATEFORMAT%" == "1" SET DOW=%AA%&SET DAY=%BB%&SET NMM=%CC%&SET YEAR=%DD% ) ( IF "%DATEFORMAT%" == "2" SET DOW=%AA%&SET DAY=%DD%&SET NMM=%CC%&SET YEAR=%BB% ) ) REM Something went wrong, we weren't able to get a valid date IF NOT "%YEAR%" == "0" GOTO DATEOK goto ERRNODATE :DATEOK REM Clean up any temporary files we may have created... REM IF exist userset.reg del userset.reg REM IF exist userset.txt del userset.txt IF "%NMM%" == "01" SET MONTH=Jan IF "%NMM%" == "02" SET MONTH=Feb IF "%NMM%" == "03" SET MONTH=Mar IF "%NMM%" == "04" SET MONTH=Apr IF "%NMM%" == "05" SET MONTH=May IF "%NMM%" == "06" SET MONTH=Jun IF "%NMM%" == "07" SET MONTH=Jul IF "%NMM%" == "08" SET MONTH=Aug IF "%NMM%" == "09" SET MONTH=Sep IF "%NMM%" == "10" SET MONTH=Oct IF "%NMM%" == "11" SET MONTH=Nov IF "%NMM%" == "12" SET MONTH=Dec IF NOT {%MONTH%} == {} GOTO DATE_OK REM *** Not US date format! Assume ISO: yyyy-mm-dd FOR /F "TOKENS=1-4 DELIMS=/- " %%a IN ('date/t') DO SET DAY=%%a&SET yyyy=%%b&SET nmm=%%c&SET dd=%%d echo a=%%a b=%%b c=%%c d=%%d IF "%NMM%" == "01" SET MONTH=Jan IF "%NMM%" == "02" SET MONTH=Feb IF "%NMM%" == "03" SET MONTH=Mar IF "%NMM%" == "04" SET MONTH=Apr IF "%NMM%" == "05" SET MONTH=May IF "%NMM%" == "06" SET MONTH=Jun IF "%NMM%" == "07" SET MONTH=Jul IF "%NMM%" == "08" SET MONTH=Aug IF "%NMM%" == "09" SET MONTH=Sep IF "%NMM%" == "10" SET MONTH=Oct IF "%NMM%" == "11" SET MONTH=Nov IF "%NMM%" == "12" SET MONTH=Dec :DATE_OK IF "%SS" == "" SET SS="00" REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM Now create a valid version.c file ... REM ***************************************************************************************************************** ECHO Version %VER% Build %RUN% date %MONTH%/%DAY%/%YEAR% time %HOUR%:%MIN%:%SEC% %UTC% ECHO char * Version = "%GENERATED_PROGRAM% %VER% %MONTH% %DAY% %HOUR%:%MIN%:%SEC% %UTC% %YEAR% (%RUN%)" ; > version.c GOTO EOF REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM Here are the error messages I know REM ***************************************************************************************************************** :ERRNOREG ECHO "Error: Registry could not be read (check if reg.exe is available and works as expected)" GOTO EOF :ERRNODATE ECHO "Error: Dateformat unknown (check if contents of userset.txt are correctly, especially for iDate and sDate)" GOTO EOF :ERRNOTIME ECHO "Error: Timeformat unknown (check if contents of userset.txt are correctly, especially for iTime and sTime)" GOTO EOF :ERRNOVERF ECHO "Error: Version file not found (searching for ..\..\..\..\packageinfo.sh)" GOTO EOF REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM Show'em how to run (me) REM ***************************************************************************************************************** :USAGE ECHO Usage: mkver.bat [ -P -H ] ECHO -P Database Name ECHO -H Help on options REM ***************************************************************************************************************** REM All good things come to an end someday. Time to leave REM ***************************************************************************************************************** :EOF REM *** Cleaning up IF EXIST point.txt DEL point.txt IF EXIST userset.txt DEL userset.txt IF EXIST userset.reg DEL userset.reg