/* $NetBSD: confparse.c,v 2024/02/29 11:39:21 martin Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT * OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. * PO Box 360 * Newmarket, NH 03857 USA * * https://www.isc.org/ * */ #include __RCSID("$NetBSD: confparse.c,v 2024/02/29 11:39:21 martin Exp $"); /* From server/confpars.c */ #include "keama.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Print failover stuff once */ isc_boolean_t failover_once = ISC_TRUE; /* To manage host-reservation-identifiers */ isc_boolean_t use_client_id = ISC_FALSE; isc_boolean_t use_flex_id = ISC_FALSE; isc_boolean_t use_hw_address = ISC_FALSE; /* option and relays used for flexible host identifier */ const struct option *host_id_option = NULL; int host_id_relays = 0; /* Simple or complex config */ unsigned subnet_counter = 0; /* For subclass name generation */ unsigned subclass_counter = 0; /* To map reservations to declared subnets */ struct subnet { struct element *subnet; struct element *share; struct string *addr; struct string *mask; TAILQ_ENTRY(subnet) next; }; TAILQ_HEAD(subnets, subnet) known_subnets; /* To map pools to subnets inside a shared-network */ struct range { struct element *pool; struct element *share; struct string *low; TAILQ_ENTRY(range) next; }; TAILQ_HEAD(ranges, range) known_ranges; static void post_process_lifetimes(struct parse *); static size_t post_process_reservations(struct parse *); static void post_process_classes(struct parse *); static void post_process_generated_classes(struct parse *); static void check_depend(struct element *, struct element *); static void post_process_option_definitions(struct parse *); static void add_host_reservation_identifiers(struct parse *, const char *); static void add_host_id_option(struct parse *, const struct option *, int); static void subclass_inherit(struct parse *, struct element *, struct element *); static void add_match_class(struct parse *, struct element *, struct element *); static void option_data_derive(struct parse *, struct handle *, struct handle *); static void derive_classes(struct parse *, struct handle *, struct handle *); static isc_boolean_t is_hexa_only(const char *, unsigned len); static void new_network_interface(struct parse *, struct element *); static struct string *addrmask(const struct string *, const struct string *); static struct element *find_match(struct parse *, struct element *, isc_boolean_t *); static struct element *find_location(struct element *, struct range *); static int get_prefix_length(const char *, const char *); static struct element *get_class(struct parse *, struct element *); static void concat_classes(struct parse *, struct element *, struct element *); static void generate_class(struct parse *, struct element *, struct element *, struct element *); static struct string *CLASS_ALL; static struct string *CLASS_KNOWN; /* Add head config file comments to the DHCP server map */ size_t conf_file_parse(struct parse *cfile) { struct element *top; struct element *dhcp; size_t issues; TAILQ_INIT(&known_subnets); TAILQ_INIT(&known_ranges); CLASS_ALL = makeString(-1, "ALL"); CLASS_KNOWN = makeString(-1, "KNOWN"); top = createMap(); top->kind = TOPLEVEL; TAILQ_CONCAT(&top->comments, &cfile->comments); dhcp = createMap(); dhcp->kind = ROOT_GROUP; (void) peek_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); TAILQ_CONCAT(&dhcp->comments, &cfile->comments); stackPush(cfile, dhcp); assert(cfile->stack_top == 1); cfile->stack[0] = top; if (local_family == AF_INET) mapSet(top, dhcp, "Dhcp4"); else if (local_family == AF_INET6) mapSet(top, dhcp, "Dhcp6"); else parse_error(cfile, "address family is not set"); issues = conf_file_subparse(cfile, ROOT_GROUP); /* Add a warning when interfaces-config is not present */ if (subnet_counter > 0) { struct element *ifconf; ifconf = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "interfaces-config"); if (ifconf == NULL) { struct comment *comment; comment = createComment("/// This configuration " "declares some subnets but " "has no interfaces-config"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&cfile->stack[1]->comments, comment); comment = createComment("/// Reference Kea #245"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&cfile->stack[1]->comments, comment); } } post_process_lifetimes(cfile); if (!global_hr) issues += post_process_reservations(cfile); post_process_classes(cfile); post_process_generated_classes(cfile); post_process_option_definitions(cfile); return issues; } /* Lifetime post-processing */ static void post_process_lifetimes(struct parse *cfile) { struct element *entry; entry = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "valid-lifetime"); if ((entry == NULL) && use_isc_lifetimes) { struct comment *comment; /* DEFAULT_DEFAULT_LEASE_TIME is 43200 */ entry = createInt(43200); comment = createComment("/// Use ISC DHCP default lifetime"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&entry->comments, comment); mapSet(cfile->stack[1], entry, "valid-lifetime"); } entry = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "min-valid-lifetime"); if ((entry == NULL) && use_isc_lifetimes) { struct comment *comment; /* DEFAULT_MIN_LEASE_TIME is 300 */ entry = createInt(300); comment = createComment("/// Use ISC DHCP min lifetime"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&entry->comments, comment); mapSet(cfile->stack[1], entry, "min-valid-lifetime"); } entry = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "max-valid-lifetime"); if ((entry == NULL) && use_isc_lifetimes) { struct comment *comment; /* DEFAULT_MAX_LEASE_TIME is 86400 */ entry = createInt(86400); comment = createComment("/// Use ISC DHCP max lifetime"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&entry->comments, comment); mapSet(cfile->stack[1], entry, "max-valid-lifetime"); } /* Done for DHCPv4 */ if (local_family == AF_INET) return; /* There is no builtin default for preferred-lifetime, nor min/max values in ISC DHCP. */ } /* Reservation post-processing */ static size_t post_process_reservations(struct parse *cfile) { struct element *hosts; struct element *orphans; struct element *host; struct element *where; struct element *dest; isc_boolean_t used_heuristic; size_t issues; issues = 0; hosts = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "reservations"); if ((hosts == NULL) || global_hr) return issues; mapRemove(cfile->stack[1], "reservations"); orphans = createList(); orphans->kind = HOST_DECL; while (listSize(hosts) > 0) { host = listGet(hosts, 0); listRemove(hosts, 0); used_heuristic = ISC_FALSE; where = find_match(cfile, host, &used_heuristic); if (where == cfile->stack[1]) dest = orphans; else dest = mapGet(where, "reservations"); if (dest == NULL) { dest = createList(); dest->kind = HOST_DECL; mapSet(where, dest, "reservations"); } listPush(dest, host); } if (listSize(orphans) > 0) { struct comment *comment; comment = createComment("/// Orphan reservations"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&orphans->comments, comment); comment = createComment("/// Kea reservations are per subnet"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&orphans->comments, comment); comment = createComment("/// Reference Kea #231"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&orphans->comments, comment); orphans->skip = ISC_TRUE; issues++; mapSet(cfile->stack[1], orphans, "reservations"); } return issues; } /* Cleanup classes */ static void post_process_classes(struct parse *cfile) { struct element *classes; struct element *class; struct element *name; struct element *entry; struct element *reduced; struct string *msg; struct comment *comment; isc_boolean_t lose; size_t i; classes = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "client-classes"); if ((classes == NULL) || (listSize(classes) == 0)) return; for (i = 0; i < listSize(classes); i++) { class = listGet(classes, i); if ((class == NULL) || (class->type != ELEMENT_MAP)) parse_error(cfile, "null global class at %i", (unsigned)i); name = mapGet(class, "name"); if ((name == NULL) || (name->type != ELEMENT_STRING)) parse_error(cfile, "global class at %u " "without a name", (unsigned)i); if (!mapContains(class, "super")) goto cleanup_superclass; /* cleanup subclass */ mapRemove(class,"super"); entry = mapGet(class, "string"); if (entry != NULL) { if (entry->type != ELEMENT_STRING) parse_error(cfile, "subclass %s has " "a bad string selector", stringValue(name)->content); msg = makeString(-1, "/// subclass selector "); appendString(msg, "'"); concatString(msg, stringValue(entry)); appendString(msg, "'"); comment = createComment(msg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&class->comments, comment); mapRemove(class, "string"); continue; } entry = mapGet(class, "binary"); if (entry == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "subclass %s has no selector", stringValue(name)->content); msg = makeString(-1, "/// subclass selector 0x"); concatString(msg, stringValue(entry)); comment = createComment(msg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&class->comments, comment); mapRemove(class, "binary"); cleanup_superclass: /* cleanup superclass */ entry = mapGet(class, "spawning"); if (entry == NULL) goto cleanup_class; if (entry->type != ELEMENT_BOOLEAN) parse_error(cfile, "superclass %s has bad " "spawning flag", stringValue(name)->content); if (boolValue(entry)) { msg = makeString(-1, "/// Spawning classes " "are not supported by Kea"); comment = createComment(msg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&class->comments, comment); msg = makeString(-1, "/// Reference Kea #248"); comment = createComment(msg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&class->comments, comment); msg = makeString(-1, "/// spawn with: "); } else msg = makeString(-1, "/// match: "); entry = mapGet(class, "submatch"); if (entry == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "superclass %s has no submatch", stringValue(name)->content); lose = ISC_FALSE; appendString(msg, print_data_expression(entry, &lose)); if (!lose) { comment = createComment(msg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&class->comments, comment); mapRemove(class, "spawning"); mapRemove(class, "submatch"); } cleanup_class: /* cleanup class */ entry = mapGet(class, "match-if"); if (entry == NULL) continue; reduced = mapGet(class, "test"); lose = ISC_FALSE; if (reduced != NULL) msg = makeString(-1, "/// from: match if "); else msg = makeString(-1, "/// match if "); appendString(msg, print_boolean_expression(entry, &lose)); if (!lose) { comment = createComment(msg->content); if (reduced != NULL) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&reduced->comments, comment); mapRemove(class, "match-if"); continue; } TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&entry->comments, comment); } } } /* Move generated client classes to the end of client class list */ static void post_process_generated_classes(struct parse *cfile) { struct element *generated; struct element *classes; struct element *class; generated = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "generated-classes"); if (generated == NULL) return; mapRemove(cfile->stack[1], "generated-classes"); if (listSize(generated) == 0) return; classes = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "client-classes"); if (classes == NULL) { classes = createList(); mapSet(cfile->stack[1], classes, "client-classes"); } while (listSize(generated) > 0) { class = listGet(generated, 0); listRemove(generated, 0); check_depend(class, classes); listPush(classes, class); } } static void check_depend(struct element *class, struct element *classes) { struct element *list; if (!mapContains(class, "depend")) return; list = mapGet(class, "depend"); mapRemove(class, "depend"); while (listSize(list) > 0) { struct element *depend; struct string *dname; struct string *msg; struct comment *comment; isc_boolean_t found; size_t i; depend = listGet(list, 0); listRemove(list, 0); assert(depend != NULL); assert(depend->type == ELEMENT_STRING); dname = stringValue(depend); if (eqString(dname, CLASS_ALL) || eqString(dname, CLASS_KNOWN)) continue; found = ISC_FALSE; for (i = 0; i < listSize(classes); i++) { struct element *item; struct element *name; item = listGet(classes, i); assert(item != NULL); assert(item->type == ELEMENT_MAP); name = mapGet(item, "name"); if (name == NULL) continue; assert(name->type == ELEMENT_STRING); if (eqString(stringValue(name), dname)) { found = ISC_TRUE; break; } } if (found) continue; msg = makeString(-1, "/// Depend on missing '"); concatString(msg, dname); appendString(msg, "' class"); comment = createComment(msg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&class->comments, comment); class->skip = ISC_TRUE; } } static void post_process_option_definitions(struct parse *cfile) { struct element *opt_def; struct element *def, *ndef; opt_def = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "option-def"); if (opt_def == NULL) return; TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(def, &opt_def->value.list_value, ndef) { if (mapContains(def, "no-export")) TAILQ_REMOVE(&opt_def->value.list_value, def); } } void read_conf_file(struct parse *parent, const char *filename, int group_type) { int file; struct parse *cfile; struct string *msg; struct comment *comment; size_t amount = parent->stack_size * sizeof(struct element *); if ((file = open (filename, O_RDONLY)) < 0) parse_error(parent, "Can't open %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno)); cfile = new_parse(file, NULL, 0, filename, 0); if (cfile == NULL) parse_error(parent, "Can't create new parse structure"); cfile->stack = (struct element **)malloc(amount); if (cfile->stack == NULL) parse_error(parent, "Can't create new element stack"); memcpy(cfile->stack, parent->stack, amount); cfile->stack_size = parent->stack_size; cfile->stack_top = parent->stack_top; cfile->issue_counter = parent->issue_counter; msg = makeString(-1, "/// Begin file "); concatString(msg, makeString(-1, filename)); comment = createComment(msg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&cfile->comments, comment); conf_file_subparse(cfile, group_type); amount = cfile->stack_size * sizeof(struct element *); if (cfile->stack_size > parent->stack_size) { parent->stack = (struct element **)realloc(parent->stack, amount); if (parent->stack == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't resize element stack"); } memcpy(parent->stack, cfile->stack, amount); parent->stack_size = cfile->stack_size; parent->stack_top = cfile->stack_top; parent->issue_counter = cfile->issue_counter; msg = makeString(-1, "/// End file "); concatString(msg, makeString(-1, filename)); comment= createComment(msg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&parent->comments, comment); end_parse(cfile); } /* conf-file :== parameters declarations END_OF_FILE parameters :== | parameter | parameters parameter declarations :== | declaration | declarations declaration */ size_t conf_file_subparse(struct parse *cfile, int type) { const char *val; enum dhcp_token token; isc_boolean_t declaration = ISC_FALSE; for (;;) { token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == END_OF_FILE) break; declaration = parse_statement(cfile, type, declaration); } skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); return cfile->issue_counter; } /* statement :== parameter | declaration | PERCENT directive parameter :== DEFAULT_LEASE_TIME lease_time | MAX_LEASE_TIME lease_time | DYNAMIC_BOOTP_LEASE_CUTOFF date | DYNAMIC_BOOTP_LEASE_LENGTH lease_time | BOOT_UNKNOWN_CLIENTS boolean | ONE_LEASE_PER_CLIENT boolean | GET_LEASE_HOSTNAMES boolean | USE_HOST_DECL_NAME boolean | NEXT_SERVER ip-addr-or-hostname SEMI | option_parameter | SERVER-IDENTIFIER ip-addr-or-hostname SEMI | FILENAME string-parameter | SERVER_NAME string-parameter | hardware-parameter | fixed-address-parameter | ALLOW allow-deny-keyword | DENY allow-deny-keyword | USE_LEASE_ADDR_FOR_DEFAULT_ROUTE boolean | AUTHORITATIVE | NOT AUTHORITATIVE declaration :== host-declaration | group-declaration | shared-network-declaration | subnet-declaration | VENDOR_CLASS class-declaration | USER_CLASS class-declaration | RANGE address-range-declaration */ isc_boolean_t parse_statement(struct parse *cfile, int type, isc_boolean_t declaration) { enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; struct element *hardware; struct element *cache; struct element *et; isc_boolean_t lose; isc_boolean_t known; isc_boolean_t authoritative; struct option *option; size_t host_decl = 0; size_t subnet = 0; size_t i; token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); switch (token) { case INCLUDE: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != STRING) parse_error(cfile, "filename string expected."); read_conf_file(cfile, val, type); parse_semi(cfile); return 1; case HOST: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (type != HOST_DECL && type != CLASS_DECL) parse_host_declaration(cfile); else parse_error(cfile, "host declarations not allowed here."); return 1; case GROUP: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (type != HOST_DECL && type != CLASS_DECL) parse_group_declaration(cfile); else parse_error(cfile, "group declarations not allowed here."); return 1; case SHARED_NETWORK: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (type == SHARED_NET_DECL || type == HOST_DECL || type == SUBNET_DECL || type == CLASS_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "shared-network parameters not %s.", "allowed here"); parse_shared_net_declaration(cfile); return 1; case SUBNET: case SUBNET6: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (type == HOST_DECL || type == SUBNET_DECL || type == CLASS_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "subnet declarations not allowed here."); if (token == SUBNET) parse_subnet_declaration(cfile); else parse_subnet6_declaration(cfile); return 1; case VENDOR_CLASS: case USER_CLASS: case CLASS: case SUBCLASS: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == VENDOR_CLASS) parse_error(cfile, "obsolete 'vendor-class' " "declaration"); if (token == USER_CLASS) parse_error(cfile, "obsolete 'user-class' " "declaration"); if (type == CLASS_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "class declarations not allowed here."); parse_class_declaration(cfile, token == CLASS ? CLASS_TYPE_CLASS : CLASS_TYPE_SUBCLASS); return 1; case HARDWARE: if (!use_hw_address) { add_host_reservation_identifiers(cfile, "hw-address"); use_hw_address = ISC_TRUE; } skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (!host_decl) { for (i = cfile->stack_top; i > 0; --i) { if (cfile->stack[i]->kind == HOST_DECL) { host_decl = i; break; } } } if (!host_decl) parse_error(cfile, "hardware address parameter %s", "not allowed here."); if (mapContains(cfile->stack[host_decl], "hw-address")) parse_error(cfile, "Host hardware address already " "configured."); hardware = parse_hardware_param(cfile); mapSet(cfile->stack[host_decl], hardware, "hw-address"); if (hardware->skip) cfile->stack[host_decl]->skip = ISC_TRUE; break; case FIXED_ADDR: case FIXED_ADDR6: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (!host_decl) { for (i = cfile->stack_top; i > 0; --i) { if (cfile->stack[i]->kind == HOST_DECL) { host_decl = i; break; } } } if (!host_decl) parse_error(cfile, "fixed-address parameter not " "allowed here."); cache = parse_fixed_addr_param(cfile, token); if (token == FIXED_ADDR) { struct element *addr; if (mapContains(cfile->stack[host_decl], "ip-address")) parse_error(cfile, "Only one fixed address " "declaration per host."); addr = listGet(cache, 0); listRemove(cache, 0); mapSet(cfile->stack[host_decl], addr, "ip-address"); if (listSize(cache) > 0) { cache->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; mapSet(cfile->stack[host_decl], cache, "extra-ip-addresses"); } } else { if (mapContains(cfile->stack[host_decl], "ip-addresses")) parse_error(cfile, "Only one fixed address " "declaration per host."); mapSet(cfile->stack[host_decl], cache, "ip-addresses"); } break; case POOL: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (type == POOL_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "pool declared within pool."); if (type != SUBNET_DECL && type != SHARED_NET_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "pool declared outside of network"); parse_pool_statement(cfile, type); return declaration; case RANGE: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (!subnet) { for (i = cfile->stack_top; i > 0; --i) { if (cfile->stack[i]->kind == SUBNET_DECL) { subnet = i; break; } } } if (type != SUBNET_DECL || !subnet) parse_error(cfile, "range declaration not allowed here."); parse_address_range(cfile, type, subnet); return declaration; case RANGE6: if (local_family != AF_INET6) goto unknown; skip_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); if (!subnet) { for (i = cfile->stack_top; i > 0; --i) { if (cfile->stack[i]->kind == SUBNET_DECL) { subnet = i; break; } } } if ((type != SUBNET_DECL) || !subnet) parse_error(cfile, "range6 declaration not allowed here."); parse_address_range6(cfile, type, subnet); return declaration; case PREFIX6: if (local_family != AF_INET6) goto unknown; skip_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); if (!subnet) { for (i = cfile->stack_top; i > 0; --i) { if (cfile->stack[i]->kind == SUBNET_DECL) { subnet = i; break; } } } if ((type != SUBNET_DECL) || !subnet) parse_error(cfile, "prefix6 declaration not allowed here."); parse_prefix6(cfile, type, subnet); return declaration; case FIXED_PREFIX6: if (local_family != AF_INET6) goto unknown; skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (!host_decl) { for (i = cfile->stack_top; i > 0; --i) { if (cfile->stack[i]->kind == HOST_DECL) { host_decl = i; break; } } } if (!host_decl) parse_error(cfile, "fixed-prefix6 declaration not " "allowed here."); parse_fixed_prefix6(cfile, host_decl); break; case POOL6: if (local_family != AF_INET6) goto unknown; skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (type == POOL_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "pool6 declared within pool."); if (type != SUBNET_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "pool6 declared outside of network"); parse_pool6_statement(cfile, type); return declaration; case TOKEN_NOT: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); switch (token) { case AUTHORITATIVE: authoritative = ISC_FALSE; goto authoritative; default: parse_error(cfile, "expecting assertion"); } break; case AUTHORITATIVE: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); authoritative = ISC_TRUE; authoritative: if (type == HOST_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "authority makes no sense here."); if (!subnet) { for (i = cfile->stack_top; i > 0; --i) { int kind; kind = cfile->stack[i]->kind; if ((kind == SUBNET_DECL) || (kind == SHARED_NET_DECL) || (kind == ROOT_GROUP)) { subnet = i; break; } } } if (!subnet) parse_error(cfile, "can't find root group"); if (local_family == AF_INET) { cache = createBool(authoritative); TAILQ_CONCAT(&cache->comments, &cfile->comments); mapSet(cfile->stack[subnet], cache, "authoritative"); } parse_semi(cfile); break; /* "server-identifier" is a special hack, equivalent to "option dhcp-server-identifier". */ case SERVER_IDENTIFIER: option = option_lookup_code("dhcp", DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER); assert(option); skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); goto finish_option; case OPTION: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == SPACE) { if (type != ROOT_GROUP) parse_error(cfile, "option space definitions %s", "may not be scoped."); parse_option_space_decl(cfile); return declaration; } known = ISC_FALSE; option = parse_option_name(cfile, ISC_TRUE, &known); token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == CODE) { if (type != ROOT_GROUP) parse_error(cfile, "option definitions%s", " may not be scoped."); skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); /* next function must deal with redefinitions */ parse_option_code_definition(cfile, option); return declaration; } /* If this wasn't an option code definition, don't allow an unknown option. */ if (!known) parse_error(cfile, "unknown option %s.%s", option->space->old, option->old); finish_option: parse_option_statement(NULL, cfile, option, supersede_option_statement); return declaration; case FAILOVER: if (failover_once) fprintf(stderr, "ignoring failover\n"); failover_once = ISC_FALSE; skip_to_semi(cfile); break; case SERVER_DUID: if (local_family != AF_INET6) goto unknown; parse_server_duid_conf(cfile); break; case LEASE_ID_FORMAT: token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); /* ignore: ISC DHCP specific */ break; case PERCENT: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (type != ROOT_GROUP) parse_error(cfile, "directives are only supported " "at toplevel"); parse_directive(cfile); return declaration; unknown: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); default: et = createMap(); TAILQ_CONCAT(&et->comments, &cfile->comments); lose = ISC_FALSE; if (!parse_executable_statement(et, cfile, &lose, context_any, ISC_TRUE)) { if (!lose) { if (declaration) parse_error(cfile, "expecting a declaration"); else parse_error(cfile, "expecting a parameter %s", "or declaration"); } return declaration; } if (mapSize(et) == 0) return declaration; et->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; mapSet(cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top], et, "statement"); } return 0; } /*! * * \brief Parse allow and deny statements * * This function handles the common processing code for permit and deny * statements in the parse_pool_statement and parse_pool6_statement functions. * * The allow or deny token should already be consumed, this function expects * one of the following: * known-clients; * unknown-clients; * known clients; * unknown clients; * authenticated clients; * unauthenticated clients; * all clients; * dynamic bootp clients; * members of ; * after ; * * \param[in] cfile = the configuration file being parsed * \param[in] permit_head = the head of the permit list (permit or prohibit) * to which to attach the newly created permit structure */ void get_permit(struct parse *cfile, struct element *permit_head) { enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; struct string *permit; struct string *alias = NULL; struct comment *comment = NULL; struct element *member; isc_boolean_t need_clients = ISC_TRUE; isc_boolean_t negative = ISC_FALSE; token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); switch (token) { case UNKNOWN: permit = CLASS_KNOWN; negative = ISC_TRUE; alias = makeString(-1, "unknown clients"); break; case KNOWN_CLIENTS: need_clients = ISC_FALSE; permit = CLASS_KNOWN; alias = makeString(-1, "known-clients"); break; case UNKNOWN_CLIENTS: need_clients = ISC_FALSE; permit = CLASS_KNOWN; negative = ISC_TRUE; alias = makeString(-1, "unknown-clients"); break; case KNOWN: permit = CLASS_KNOWN; alias = makeString(-1, "known clients"); break; case AUTHENTICATED: permit = CLASS_ALL; alias = makeString(-1, "authenticated clients"); negative = ISC_TRUE; authenticated_clients: comment = createComment("/// [un]authenticated-clients is " "not supported by ISC DHCP and Kea"); break; case UNAUTHENTICATED: permit = CLASS_ALL; alias = makeString(-1, "unauthenticated clients"); goto authenticated_clients; break; case ALL: permit = CLASS_ALL; alias = makeString(-1, "all clients"); break; case DYNAMIC: /* bootp is not supported by Kea so the dynamic bootp * client set is the empty set. */ if (next_token(&val, NULL, cfile) != TOKEN_BOOTP) parse_error(cfile, "expecting \"bootp\""); permit = CLASS_ALL; negative = ISC_TRUE; alias = makeString(-1, "dynamic bootp clients"); cfile->issue_counter++; comment = createComment("/// dynamic-bootp-client is not " "supported by Kea"); break; case MEMBERS: /* we don't check the class... */ need_clients = ISC_FALSE; if (next_token(&val, NULL, cfile) != OF) parse_error(cfile, "expecting \"of\""); if (next_token(&val, NULL, cfile) != STRING) parse_error(cfile, "expecting class name."); permit = makeString(-1, val); break; case AFTER: /* don't use parse_date_code() */ need_clients = ISC_FALSE; permit = makeString(-1, "AFTER_"); alias = makeString(-1, "after "); while (peek_raw_token(NULL, NULL, cfile) != SEMI) { next_raw_token(&val, NULL, cfile); appendString(permit, val); appendString(alias, val); } permit_head->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; comment = createComment("/// after is not yet " "supported by Kea"); break; default: parse_error(cfile, "expecting permit type."); } /* * The need_clients flag is set if we are expecting the * CLIENTS token */ if (need_clients && (next_token(&val, NULL, cfile) != CLIENTS)) parse_error(cfile, "expecting \"clients\""); member = createMap(); mapSet(member, createString(permit), "class"); mapSet(member, createBool(!negative), "way"); if (alias != NULL) mapSet(member, createString(alias), "real"); if (comment != NULL) TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&permit_head->comments, comment); listPush(permit_head, member); parse_semi(cfile); return; } /*! * * \brief Parse a pool statement * * Pool statements are used to group declarations and permit & deny information * with a specific address range. They must be declared within a shared network * or subnet and there may be multiple pools withing a shared network or subnet. * Each pool may have a different set of permit or deny options. * * \param[in] cfile = the configuration file being parsed * \param[in] type = the type of the enclosing statement. This must be * SHARED_NET_DECL or SUBNET_DECL for this function. * * \return * void - This function either parses the statement and updates the structures * or it generates an error message and possible halts the program if * it encounters a problem. */ void parse_pool_statement(struct parse *cfile, int type) { enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; isc_boolean_t done = ISC_FALSE; struct element *pool; struct element *pools; struct element *permit; struct element *prohibit; int declaration = 0; unsigned range_counter = 0; pool = createMap(); pool->kind = POOL_DECL; TAILQ_CONCAT(&pool->comments, &cfile->comments); if (type != SUBNET_DECL && type != SHARED_NET_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "Dynamic pools are only valid inside " "subnet or shared-network statements."); parse_lbrace(cfile); stackPush(cfile, pool); type = POOL_DECL; permit = createList(); prohibit = createList(); do { token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); switch (token) { case TOKEN_NO: case FAILOVER: if (failover_once) fprintf(stderr, "ignoring failover\n"); failover_once = ISC_FALSE; skip_to_semi(cfile); break; case RANGE: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); parse_address_range(cfile, type, cfile->stack_top); range_counter++; break; case ALLOW: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); get_permit(cfile, permit); break; case DENY: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); get_permit(cfile, prohibit); break; case RBRACE: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); done = ISC_TRUE; break; case END_OF_FILE: /* * We can get to END_OF_FILE if, for instance, * the parse_statement() reads all available tokens * and leaves us at the end. */ parse_error(cfile, "unexpected end of file"); default: declaration = parse_statement(cfile, type, declaration); break; } } while (!done); cfile->stack_top--; generate_class(cfile, pool, permit, prohibit); pools = mapGet(cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top], "pools"); if (pools == NULL) { pools = createList(); pools->kind = POOL_DECL; mapSet(cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top], pools, "pools"); } if (range_counter == 0) { struct comment *comment; /* no range */ comment = createComment("empty pool"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pool->comments, comment); pool->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; listPush(pools, pool); return; } /* spread extra ranges into pool copies */ while (--range_counter != 0) { struct handle *handle; struct element *first; struct element *saved; isc_boolean_t seen = ISC_FALSE; first = createMap(); saved = copy(pool); TAILQ_CONCAT(&first->comments, &pool->comments); while (mapSize(pool) > 0) { handle = mapPop(pool); if ((handle == NULL) || (handle->key == NULL) || (handle->value == NULL)) parse_error(cfile, "bad pool entry"); if (strcmp(handle->key, "pool") != 0) mapSet(first, handle->value, handle->key); else if (!seen) { mapSet(first, handle->value, handle->key); mapRemove(saved, "pool"); seen = ISC_TRUE; } } listPush(pools, first); pool = saved; } listPush(pools, pool); } /* Expect a left brace */ void parse_lbrace(struct parse *cfile) { enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != LBRACE) parse_error(cfile, "expecting left brace."); } /* host-declaration :== hostname RBRACE parameters declarations LBRACE */ void parse_host_declaration(struct parse *cfile) { const char *val; enum dhcp_token token; struct element *host; struct string *name; struct element *where; struct element *hosts = NULL; int declaration = 0; isc_boolean_t used_heuristic = ISC_FALSE; host = createMap(); host->kind = HOST_DECL; TAILQ_CONCAT(&host->comments, &cfile->comments); name = parse_host_name(cfile); if (!name) parse_error(cfile, "expecting a name for host declaration."); mapSet(host, createString(name), "hostname"); parse_lbrace(cfile); stackPush(cfile, host); for (;;) { token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == RBRACE) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); break; } if (token == END_OF_FILE) parse_error(cfile, "unexpected end of file"); /* If the host declaration was created by the server, remember to save it. */ if (token == DYNAMIC) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); parse_error(cfile, "dynamic hosts don't exist " "in the config file"); } /* If the host declaration was created by the server, remember to save it. */ if (token == TOKEN_DELETED) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); parse_error(cfile, "deleted hosts don't exist " "in the config file"); } if (token == GROUP) { struct element *group; struct comment *comment; skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != STRING && !is_identifier(token)) parse_error(cfile, "expecting string or identifier."); group = createString(makeString(-1, val)); group->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; comment = createComment("/// Unsupported group in " "host reservations"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&group->comments, comment); comment = createComment("/// Reference Kea #233"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&group->comments, comment); mapSet(host, group, "group"); parse_semi(cfile); continue; } if (token == UID) { struct string *client_id; if (!use_client_id) { add_host_reservation_identifiers(cfile, "client-id"); use_client_id = ISC_TRUE; } skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (mapContains(host, "client-id")) parse_error(cfile, "Host %s already has a " "client identifier.", name->content); /* See if it's a string or a cshl. */ token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == STRING) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); client_id = makeString(-1, val); } else { struct string *bin; unsigned len = 0; bin = parse_numeric_aggregate (cfile, NULL, &len, ':', 16, 8); if (!bin) parse_error(cfile, "expecting hex list."); client_id = makeStringExt(bin->length, bin->content, 'H'); } mapSet(host, createString(client_id), "client-id"); parse_semi(cfile); continue; } if (token == HOST_IDENTIFIER) { struct string *host_id; isc_boolean_t known; struct option *option; struct element *expr; struct string *data; int relays = 0; if (!use_flex_id) { add_host_reservation_identifiers(cfile, "flex-id"); use_flex_id = ISC_TRUE; } if (mapContains(host, "host-identifier") || mapContains(host, "flex-id")) parse_error(cfile, "only one host-identifier allowed " "per host"); skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); host_id = makeString(-1, val); appendString(host_id, " "); if (token == V6RELOPT) { token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != NUMBER) parse_error(cfile, "host-identifier v6relopt " "must have a number"); appendString(host_id, val); appendString(host_id, " "); relays = atoi(val); if (relays < 0) parse_error(cfile, "host-identifier v6relopt " "must have a number >= 0"); if (relays > MAX_V6RELAY_HOPS) relays = MAX_V6RELAY_HOPS + 1; } else if (token != OPTION) parse_error(cfile, "host-identifier must be an option" " or v6relopt"); known = ISC_FALSE; option = parse_option_name(cfile, ISC_TRUE, &known); if (!known) parse_error(cfile, "unknown option %s.%s", option->space->old, option->old); appendString(host_id, option->space->name); appendString(host_id, "."); appendString(host_id, option->name); appendString(host_id, " "); data = parse_option_textbin(cfile, option); parse_semi(cfile); if (data == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't get option data"); concatString(host_id, data); expr = createString(host_id); expr->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; mapSet(host, expr, "host-identifier"); if (host_id_option == NULL) add_host_id_option(cfile, option, relays); else if ((host_id_option != option) || (host_id_relays != relays)) { struct string *msg; struct comment *comment; msg = allocString(); appendString(msg, "/// Another option ("); appendString(msg, host_id_option->name); appendString(msg, ") is already used as "); appendString(msg, "host-identifier"); comment = createComment(msg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&expr->comments, comment); continue; } /* * Everything good: set a flex-id and remove * the host-identifier entry. */ mapSet(host, createString(data), "flex-id"); mapRemove(host, "host-identifier"); continue; } declaration = parse_statement(cfile, HOST_DECL, declaration); } cfile->stack_top--; where = find_match(cfile, host, &used_heuristic); hosts = mapGet(where, "reservations"); if (hosts == NULL) { hosts = createList(); hosts->kind = HOST_DECL; mapSet(where, hosts, "reservations"); if (used_heuristic) { struct comment *comment; comment = createComment("/// Host reservations " "without fixed addresses " "were put in the last " "declared subnet"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&hosts->comments, comment); comment = createComment("/// Reference Kea #231"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&hosts->comments, comment); } } listPush(hosts, host); } /* Simple tool to declare used (and only used) reservation identifiers */ static void add_host_reservation_identifiers(struct parse *cfile, const char *id) { struct element *ids; ids = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "host-reservation-identifiers"); if (ids == NULL) { ids = createList(); mapSet(cfile->stack[1], ids, "host-reservation-identifiers"); } listPush(ids, createString(makeString(-1, id))); } /* Add the flexible host identifier glue */ static void add_host_id_option(struct parse *cfile, const struct option *option, int relays) { struct string *path; struct string *expr; struct element *params; struct element *entry; struct element *hooks; struct comment *comment; char buf[40]; host_id_option = option; host_id_relays = relays; /* * Using the example from the Kea Administrator Reference Manual * as recommended by Tomek */ hooks = createList(); mapSet(cfile->stack[1], hooks, "hooks-libraries"); comment = createComment("/// The flexible host identifier " "is a premium feature"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&hooks->comments, comment); entry = createMap(); listPush(hooks, entry); if (hook_library_path != NULL) path = makeString(-1, hook_library_path); else path = makeString(-1, "/path/"); appendString(path, "libdhcp_flex_id.so"); params = createString(path); if (hook_library_path == NULL) { comment = createComment("/// Please update the path here"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(¶ms->comments, comment); } mapSet(entry, params, "library"); params = createMap(); mapSet(entry, params, "parameters"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%soption[%u].hex", relays > 0 ? "relay[0]." : "", option->code); expr = makeString(-1, buf); mapSet(params, createString(expr), "identifier-expression"); } static void add_host_reservation_identifiers(struct parse *, const char *); /* class-declaration :== STRING LBRACE parameters declarations RBRACE * * in fact: * (CLASS) NAME(STRING) LBRACE ... RBRACE * (SUBCLASS) SUPER(STRING) DATA/HASH(STRING | ) [BRACE ... RBRACE] * * class "name" { MATCH IF }: direct: belong when true * class "name" { MATCH }: indirect: use subclasses * class "name" { MATCH SPAWN WITH }: indirect: * create dynamically a subclass * subclass "super" : belongs when * super == */ void parse_class_declaration(struct parse *cfile, int type) { const char *val = NULL; enum dhcp_token token; size_t group = 0; size_t i = 0; struct element *group_classes = NULL; struct element *classes = NULL; struct element *class = NULL; struct element *pc = NULL; /* p(arent)c(lass) */ struct element *tmp = NULL; struct element *expr = NULL; struct element *data = NULL; isc_boolean_t binary = ISC_FALSE; int declaration = 0; struct string *name = NULL; isc_boolean_t lose = ISC_FALSE; isc_boolean_t matchedonce = ISC_FALSE; isc_boolean_t submatchedonce = ISC_FALSE; token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != STRING) parse_error(cfile, "Expecting class name"); /* Find group and root classes */ classes = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "client-classes"); if (classes == NULL) { classes = createList(); classes->kind = CLASS_DECL; mapSet(cfile->stack[1], classes, "client-classes"); } for (group = cfile->stack_top; group > 0; --group) { int kind; kind = cfile->stack[group]->kind; if (kind == CLASS_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "class in class"); if ((kind == GROUP_DECL) || (kind == ROOT_GROUP)) break; } if (!group) parse_error(cfile, "can't find root group"); if (cfile->stack[group]->kind == GROUP_DECL) { group_classes = mapGet(cfile->stack[group], "client-classes"); if (group_classes == NULL) { group_classes = createList(); group_classes->kind = CLASS_DECL; mapSet(cfile->stack[group], group_classes, "client-classes"); } } else group_classes = classes; /* See if there's already a class with the specified name. */ for (i = 0; i < listSize(classes); i++) { struct element *name; tmp = listGet(classes, i); name = mapGet(tmp, "name"); if (name == NULL) continue; if (strcmp(stringValue(name)->content, val) == 0) { pc = tmp; break; } } /* If it is a class, we're updating it. If it's any of the other * types (subclass, vendor or user class), the named class is a * reference to the parent class so its mandatory. */ if ((pc != NULL) && (type == CLASS_TYPE_CLASS)) { class = pc; pc = NULL; } else if (type != CLASS_TYPE_CLASS) { if (pc == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "no class named %s", val); if (!mapContains(pc, "spawning") || !mapContains(pc, "submatch")) parse_error(cfile, "found class name %s but it is " "not a suitable superclass", val); } name = makeString(-1, val); /* If this is a straight subclass, parse the hash string. */ if (type == CLASS_TYPE_SUBCLASS) { token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == STRING) { unsigned len; skip_token(&val, &len, cfile); data = createString(makeString(len, val)); } else if (token == NUMBER_OR_NAME || token == NUMBER) { data = createHexa(parse_hexa(cfile)); binary = ISC_TRUE; } else { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); parse_error(cfile, "Expecting string or hex list."); } } /* See if there's already a class in the hash table matching the hash data. */ if (type != CLASS_TYPE_CLASS) { for (i = 0; i < listSize(classes); i++) { struct element *super; struct element *selector; tmp = listGet(classes, i); super = mapGet(tmp, "super"); if (super == NULL) continue; if (!eqString(stringValue(super), name)) continue; if (binary) selector = mapGet(tmp, "binary"); else selector = mapGet(tmp, "string"); if (selector == NULL) continue; if (eqString(stringValue(selector), stringValue(data))) { class = tmp; break; } } } /* Note the class declaration in the enclosing group */ if (group_classes != classes) { struct element *gc; gc = createMap(); gc->kind = CLASS_DECL; tmp = createString(name); if (type == CLASS_TYPE_CLASS) mapSet(gc, tmp, "name"); else { tmp->skip = ISC_TRUE; mapSet(gc, tmp, "super"); data->skip = ISC_TRUE; if (binary) mapSet(gc, data, "binary"); else mapSet(gc, data, "string"); } listPush(group_classes, gc); } /* If we didn't find an existing class, allocate a new one. */ if (!class) { /* Allocate the class structure... */ class = createMap(); class->kind = CLASS_DECL; TAILQ_CONCAT(&class->comments, &cfile->comments); if (type == CLASS_TYPE_SUBCLASS) { struct string *subname; char buf[40]; cfile->issue_counter++; tmp = createString(name); tmp->skip = ISC_TRUE; mapSet(class, tmp, "super"); data->skip = ISC_TRUE; if (binary) mapSet(class, data, "binary"); else mapSet(class, data, "string"); subname = makeString(-1, "sub#"); concatString(subname, name); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#%u", subclass_counter++); appendString(subname, buf); mapSet(class, createString(subname), "name"); } else /* Save the name, if there is one. */ mapSet(class, createString(name), "name"); listPush(classes, class); } /* Spawned classes don't have to have their own settings. */ if (type == CLASS_TYPE_SUBCLASS) { token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == SEMI) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); subclass_inherit(cfile, class, copy(pc)); return; } } parse_lbrace(cfile); stackPush(cfile, class); for (;;) { token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == RBRACE) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); break; } else if (token == END_OF_FILE) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); parse_error(cfile, "unexpected end of file"); } else if (token == DYNAMIC) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); parse_error(cfile, "dynamic classes don't exist " "in the config file"); } else if (token == TOKEN_DELETED) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); parse_error(cfile, "deleted hosts don't exist " "in the config file"); } else if (token == MATCH) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (pc) parse_error(cfile, "invalid match in subclass."); token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != IF) { expr = createBool(ISC_FALSE); expr->skip = 1; mapSet(class, expr, "spawning"); goto submatch; } skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (matchedonce) parse_error(cfile, "A class may only have " "one 'match if' clause."); matchedonce = ISC_TRUE; expr = createMap(); if (!parse_boolean_expression(expr, cfile, &lose)) { if (!lose) parse_error(cfile, "expecting boolean expr."); } else { expr->skip = ISC_TRUE; mapSet(class, expr, "match-if"); add_match_class(cfile, class, copy(expr)); parse_semi(cfile); } } else if (token == SPAWN) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (pc) parse_error(cfile, "invalid spawn in subclass."); expr = createBool(ISC_TRUE); expr->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; mapSet(class, expr, "spawning"); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != WITH) parse_error(cfile, "expecting with after spawn"); submatch: if (submatchedonce) parse_error(cfile, "can't override existing " "submatch/spawn"); submatchedonce = ISC_TRUE; expr = createMap(); if (!parse_data_expression(expr, cfile, &lose)) { if (!lose) parse_error(cfile, "expecting data expr."); } else { expr->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; mapSet(class, expr, "submatch"); parse_semi(cfile); } } else if (token == LEASE) { struct comment *comment; skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != LIMIT) parse_error(cfile, "expecting \"limit\""); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != NUMBER) parse_error(cfile, "expecting a number"); tmp = createInt(atoll(val)); tmp->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; comment = createComment("/// Per-class limit is not " "supported by Kea"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&tmp->comments, comment); comment = createComment("/// Reference Kea #237"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&tmp->comments, comment); mapSet(class, tmp, "lease-limit"); parse_semi(cfile); } else declaration = parse_statement(cfile, CLASS_DECL, declaration); } cfile->stack_top--; if (type == CLASS_TYPE_SUBCLASS) subclass_inherit(cfile, class, copy(pc)); } /* * Inherit entries: * - first copy entries from the current superclass to the subclass * - second try to reduce the subclass matching condition */ static void subclass_inherit(struct parse *cfile, struct element *class, struct element *superclass) { struct string *name; struct element *guard; struct element *submatch; struct handle *handle; struct string *gmsg; struct string *mmsg; struct string *dmsg; struct element *expr; struct element *data; struct element *match; struct element *reduced; unsigned order = 0; struct comment *comment; isc_boolean_t marked = ISC_FALSE; isc_boolean_t lose = ISC_FALSE; isc_boolean_t modified = ISC_FALSE; expr = mapGet(superclass, "name"); if (expr == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't get superclass name"); name = stringValue(expr); guard = mapGet(superclass, "match-if"); submatch = mapGet(superclass, "submatch"); if (submatch == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't get superclass submatch"); /* Iterates on (copy of) superclass entries */ while (mapSize(superclass) > 0) { handle = mapPop(superclass); if ((handle == NULL) || (handle->key == NULL) || (handle->value == NULL)) parse_error(cfile, "can't get superclass %s item at " "%u", name->content, order); handle->order = order++; /* Superclass specific entries */ if ((strcmp(handle->key, "name") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "spawning") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "match-if") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "test") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "submatch") == 0)) continue; /* Subclass specific so impossible entries */ if ((strcmp(handle->key, "super") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "binary") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "string") == 0)) parse_error(cfile, "superclass %s has unexpected %s " "at %u", name->content, handle->key, order); /* Special entries */ if (strcmp(handle->key, "option-data") == 0) { struct element *opt_list; opt_list = mapGet(class, handle->key); if (opt_list != NULL) merge_option_data(handle->value, opt_list); else mapSet(class, handle->value, handle->key); continue; } /* Just copy */ if ((strcmp(handle->key, "lease-limit") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "boot-file-name") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "serverhostname") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "next-server") == 0)) { mapSet(class, handle->value, handle->key); continue; } /* Unknown */ if (!marked) { marked = ISC_TRUE; comment = createComment("/// copied from superclass"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&handle->value->comments, comment); } comment = createComment("/// unhandled entry"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&handle->value->comments, comment); if (!handle->value->skip) { handle->value->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; } mapSet(class, handle->value, handle->key); } /* build [guard and] submatch = data */ expr = mapGet(class, "binary"); if (expr != NULL) { data = createMap(); mapSet(data, copy(expr), "const-data"); } else data = mapGet(class, "string"); if (data == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't get subclass %s data", name->content); match = createMap(); mapSet(match, copy(submatch), "left"); mapSet(match, copy(data), "right"); expr = createMap(); mapSet(expr, match, "equal"); if (guard != NULL) { match = createMap(); mapSet(match, copy(guard), "left"); mapSet(match, expr, "right"); expr = createMap(); mapSet(expr, match, "and"); gmsg = makeString(-1, "/// from: match-if "); appendString(gmsg, print_boolean_expression(guard, &lose)); mmsg = makeString(-1, "/// match: "); } else { gmsg = NULL; mmsg = makeString(-1, "/// from: match "); } appendString(mmsg, print_data_expression(submatch, &lose)); dmsg = makeString(-1, "/// data: "); appendString(dmsg, print_data_expression(data, &lose)); /* evaluate the expression and try to reduce it */ reduced = eval_boolean_expression(expr, &modified); reduced = reduce_boolean_expression(reduced); if ((reduced != NULL) && (reduced->type == ELEMENT_BOOLEAN)) parse_error(cfile, "class matching rule evaluated to a " "constant boolean expression: %s = %s", print_data_expression(submatch, &lose), print_data_expression(data, &lose)); if ((reduced == NULL) || (reduced->type != ELEMENT_STRING)) return; if (!lose) { if (gmsg != NULL) { comment = createComment(gmsg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&reduced->comments, comment); } comment = createComment(mmsg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&reduced->comments, comment); comment = createComment(dmsg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&reduced->comments, comment); } mapSet(class, reduced, "test"); } /* * Try to reduce a match-if condition into a Kea evaluate bool "test" */ static void add_match_class(struct parse *cfile, struct element *class, struct element *expr) { struct element *reduced; isc_boolean_t modified = ISC_FALSE; isc_boolean_t lose = ISC_FALSE; /* evaluate the expression and try to reduce it */ reduced = eval_boolean_expression(expr, &modified); reduced = reduce_boolean_expression(reduced); if ((reduced != NULL) && (reduced->type == ELEMENT_BOOLEAN)) parse_error(cfile, "'match if' with a constant boolean " "expression %s", print_boolean_expression(expr, &lose)); if ((reduced != NULL) && (reduced->type == ELEMENT_STRING)) mapSet(class, reduced, "test"); else cfile->issue_counter++; } /* Move pools to subnets */ static void relocate_pools(struct element *share) { struct element *srcs; struct element *dsts; struct element *subnet; struct range *range; size_t i; srcs = mapGet(share, "pools"); if (srcs == NULL) return; if (listSize(srcs) == 0) return; TAILQ_FOREACH(range, &known_ranges) { if (range->share != share) continue; subnet = find_location(share, range); if (subnet == NULL) continue; for (i = 0; i < listSize(srcs); i++) { struct element *pool; pool = listGet(srcs, i); if (range->pool != pool) continue; listRemove(srcs, i); dsts = mapGet(subnet, "pools"); if (dsts == NULL) { dsts = createList(); mapSet(subnet, dsts, "pools"); } listPush(dsts, pool); } } } /* shared-network-declaration :== hostname LBRACE declarations parameters RBRACE */ void parse_shared_net_declaration(struct parse *cfile) { const char *val; enum dhcp_token token; struct element *share; struct element *subnets; struct element *interface; struct element *subnet; struct string *name; int declaration = 0; share = createMap(); share->kind = SHARED_NET_DECL; TAILQ_CONCAT(&share->comments, &cfile->comments); /* Get the name of the shared network... */ token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == STRING) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (val[0] == 0) parse_error(cfile, "zero-length shared network name"); name = makeString(-1, val); } else { name = parse_host_name(cfile); if (!name) parse_error(cfile, "expecting a name for shared-network"); } mapSet(share, createString(name), "name"); subnets = createList(); mapSet(share, subnets, local_family == AF_INET ? "subnet4" : "subnet6"); parse_lbrace(cfile); stackPush(cfile, share); for (;;) { token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == RBRACE) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); break; } else if (token == END_OF_FILE) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); parse_error(cfile, "unexpected end of file"); } else if (token == INTERFACE) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (mapContains(share, "interface")) parse_error(cfile, "A shared network can't be " "connected to two interfaces."); interface = createString(makeString(-1, val)); mapSet(share, interface, "interface"); new_network_interface(cfile, interface); parse_semi(cfile); continue; } declaration = parse_statement(cfile, SHARED_NET_DECL, declaration); } cfile->stack_top--; if (listSize(subnets) == 0) parse_error(cfile, "empty shared-network decl"); if (listSize(subnets) > 1) { struct element *shares; struct element *pools; shares = mapGet(cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top], "shared-networks"); if (shares == NULL) { struct comment *comment; shares = createList(); shares->kind = SHARED_NET_DECL; mapSet(cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top], shares, "shared-networks"); comment = createComment("/// Kea shared-networks " "are different, cf Kea #236"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&shares->comments, comment); } listPush(shares, share); /* Pools are forbidden at shared-network level in Kea */ relocate_pools(share); pools = mapGet(share, "pools"); if ((pools != NULL) && (listSize(pools) == 0)) { mapRemove(share, "pools"); pools = NULL; } if (pools != NULL) { struct comment *comment; pools->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; comment = createComment("/// Kea pools must be " "in a subnet"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pools->comments, comment); comment = createComment("/// Reference Kea #249"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pools->comments, comment); } pools = mapGet(share, "pd-pools"); if ((pools != NULL) && (listSize(pools) == 0)) { mapRemove(share, "pd-pools"); pools = NULL; } if (pools != NULL) { struct comment *comment; pools->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; comment = createComment("/// Kea pools must be " "in a subnet"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pools->comments, comment); comment = createComment("/// Reference Kea #249"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pools->comments, comment); } return; } /* There is one subnet so the shared network is useless */ subnet = listGet(subnets, 0); listRemove(subnets, 0); mapRemove(share, "name"); mapRemove(share, local_family == AF_INET ? "subnet4" : "subnet6"); /* specific case before calling generic merge */ if (mapContains(share, "pools") && mapContains(subnet, "pools")) { struct element *pools; struct element *sub; pools = mapGet(share, "pools"); mapRemove(share, "pools"); sub = mapGet(subnet, "pools"); concat(sub, pools); } if (mapContains(share, "pd-pools") && mapContains(subnet, "pd-pools")) { struct element *pools; struct element *sub; pools = mapGet(share, "pd-pools"); mapRemove(share, "pd-pools"); sub = mapGet(subnet, "pd-pools"); concat(sub, pools); } if (mapContains(share, "option-data") && mapContains(subnet, "option-data")) { struct element *opt_list; struct element *sub; opt_list = mapGet(share, "option-data"); mapRemove(share, "option-data"); sub = mapGet(subnet, "option-data"); merge_option_data(opt_list, sub); } merge(subnet, share); if (local_family == AF_INET) { subnets = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "subnet4"); if (subnets == NULL) { subnets = createList(); subnets->kind = SUBNET_DECL; mapSet(cfile->stack[1], subnets, "subnet4"); } } else { subnets = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "subnet6"); if (subnets == NULL) { subnets = createList(); subnets->kind = SUBNET_DECL; mapSet(cfile->stack[1], subnets, "subnet6"); } } listPush(subnets, subnet); } static void common_subnet_parsing(struct parse *cfile, struct element *subnets, struct element *subnet) { enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; struct element *interface; int declaration = 0; parse_lbrace(cfile); stackPush(cfile, subnet); for (;;) { token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == RBRACE) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); break; } else if (token == END_OF_FILE) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); parse_error(cfile, "unexpected end of file"); break; } else if (token == INTERFACE) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (mapContains(subnet, "interface")) parse_error(cfile, "A subnet can't be connected " "to two interfaces."); interface = createString(makeString(-1, val)); mapSet(subnet, interface, "interface"); new_network_interface(cfile, interface); parse_semi(cfile); continue; } declaration = parse_statement(cfile, SUBNET_DECL, declaration); } cfile->stack_top--; /* Add the subnet to the list of subnets in this shared net. */ listPush(subnets, subnet); return; } /* subnet-declaration :== net NETMASK netmask RBRACE parameters declarations LBRACE */ void parse_subnet_declaration(struct parse *cfile) { const char *val; enum dhcp_token token; struct element *subnet; struct subnet *chain; struct element *subnets; struct string *address; struct string *netmask; struct string *prefix; unsigned char addr[4]; unsigned len = sizeof(addr); size_t parent = 0; size_t i; int kind = 0; subnet = createMap(); subnet->kind = SUBNET_DECL; TAILQ_CONCAT(&subnet->comments, &cfile->comments); subnet_counter++; mapSet(subnet, createInt(subnet_counter), "id"); chain = (struct subnet *)malloc(sizeof(*chain)); if (chain == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't allocate subnet"); memset(chain, 0, sizeof(*chain)); chain->subnet = subnet; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&known_subnets, chain); /* Find parent */ for (i = cfile->stack_top; i > 0; --i) { kind = cfile->stack[i]->kind; if ((kind == SHARED_NET_DECL) || (kind == GROUP_DECL) || (kind == ROOT_GROUP)) { parent = i; break; } } if (kind == 0) parse_error(cfile, "can't find a place to put subnet"); if (kind == SHARED_NET_DECL) chain->share = cfile->stack[parent]; subnets = mapGet(cfile->stack[parent], "subnet4"); if (subnets == NULL) { if (kind == SHARED_NET_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "shared network without subnets"); subnets = createList(); subnets->kind = SUBNET_DECL; mapSet(cfile->stack[parent], subnets, "subnet4"); } /* Get the network number... */ address = parse_numeric_aggregate(cfile, addr, &len, DOT, 10, 8); if (address == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't decode network number"); if (address->length != 4) parse_error(cfile, "bad IPv4 address length"); chain->addr = address; token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != NETMASK) parse_error(cfile, "Expecting netmask"); /* Get the netmask... */ netmask = parse_numeric_aggregate(cfile, addr, &len, DOT, 10, 8); if (netmask == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't decode network mask"); if (netmask->length != address->length) parse_error(cfile, "bad IPv4 mask length"); chain->mask = netmask; prefix = addrmask(address, netmask); if (prefix == NULL) { char bufa[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; char bufm[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; inet_ntop(AF_INET, address->content, bufa, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); inet_ntop(AF_INET, netmask->content, bufm, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); parse_error(cfile, "can't get a prefix from %s mask %s", bufa, bufm); } mapSet(subnet, createString(prefix), "subnet"); common_subnet_parsing(cfile, subnets, subnet); } /* subnet6-declaration :== net / bits RBRACE parameters declarations LBRACE */ void parse_subnet6_declaration(struct parse *cfile) { enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; struct element *subnet; struct subnet *chain; struct element *subnets; struct string *address; struct string *prefix; struct string *netmask; size_t parent = 0; size_t i; int kind = 0; char *p; if (local_family != AF_INET6) parse_error(cfile, "subnet6 statement is only supported " "in DHCPv6 mode."); subnet = createMap(); subnet->kind = SUBNET_DECL; TAILQ_CONCAT(&subnet->comments, &cfile->comments); subnet_counter++; mapSet(subnet, createInt(subnet_counter), "id"); chain = (struct subnet *)malloc(sizeof(*chain)); if (chain == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't allocate subnet"); memset(chain, 0, sizeof(*chain)); chain->subnet = subnet; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&known_subnets, chain); /* Find parent */ for (i = cfile->stack_top; i > 0; --i) { kind = cfile->stack[i]->kind; if ((kind == SHARED_NET_DECL) || (kind == GROUP_DECL) || (kind == ROOT_GROUP)) { parent = i; break; } } if (kind == 0) parse_error(cfile, "can't find a place to put subnet"); if (kind == SHARED_NET_DECL) chain->share = cfile->stack[parent]; subnets = mapGet(cfile->stack[parent], "subnet6"); if (subnets == NULL) { if (kind == SHARED_NET_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "shared network without subnets"); subnets = createList(); subnets->kind = SUBNET_DECL; mapSet(cfile->stack[parent], subnets, "subnet6"); } address = parse_ip6_addr(cfile); if (address == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't decode network number"); if (address->length != 16) parse_error(cfile, "bad IPv6 address length"); chain->addr = address; prefix = makeStringExt(address->length, address->content, '6'); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != SLASH) parse_error(cfile, "Expecting a '/'."); appendString(prefix, val); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != NUMBER) parse_error(cfile, "Expecting a number."); appendString(prefix, val); netmask = makeString(16, "0123456789abcdef"); memset(netmask->content, 0, 16); p = netmask->content; for (i = atoi(val); i >= 8; i -= 8) *p++ = 0xff; *p = 0xff << (8 - i); chain->mask = netmask; mapSet(subnet, createString(prefix), "subnet"); common_subnet_parsing(cfile, subnets, subnet); } /* group-declaration :== RBRACE parameters declarations LBRACE */ void parse_group_declaration(struct parse *cfile) { const char *val; enum dhcp_token token; struct element *group; int declaration = 0; struct string *name = NULL; if (mapContains(cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top], "group")) parse_error(cfile, "another group is already open"); group = createMap(); group->skip = ISC_TRUE; group->kind = GROUP_DECL; TAILQ_CONCAT(&group->comments, &cfile->comments); mapSet(cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top], group, "group"); token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (is_identifier(token) || token == STRING) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); name = makeString(-1, val); if (!name) parse_error(cfile, "no memory for group decl name %s", val); } parse_lbrace(cfile); stackPush(cfile, group); for (;;) { token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == RBRACE) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); break; } else if (token == END_OF_FILE) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); parse_error(cfile, "unexpected end of file"); break; } else if (token == TOKEN_DELETED) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); parse_error(cfile, "deleted groups don't exist " "in the config file"); } else if (token == DYNAMIC) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); parse_error(cfile, "dynamic groups don't exist " "in the config file"); } else if (token == STATIC) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); parse_error(cfile, "static groups don't exist " "in the config file"); } declaration = parse_statement(cfile, GROUP_DECL, declaration); } cfile->stack_top--; if (name != NULL) mapSet(group, createString(name), "name"); close_group(cfile, group); } /* * Close a group. Called when a group is closed. * - spread parameters to children * - attach declarations at an upper level */ void close_group(struct parse *cfile, struct element *group) { struct handle *handle; struct handle *nh; struct element *parent; struct element *item; struct element *param; struct handle *hosts = NULL; struct handle *shares = NULL; struct handle *subnets = NULL; struct handle *classes = NULL; struct handle *pdpools = NULL; struct handle *pools = NULL; struct handles downs; struct comment *comment; const char *key = NULL; const char *name = NULL; unsigned order = 0; isc_boolean_t marked = ISC_FALSE; TAILQ_INIT(&downs); /* check that group is in its parent */ parent = cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top]; if (parent->kind == PARAMETER) parse_error(cfile, "unexpected kind for group parent %d", parent->kind); item = mapGet(parent, "group"); if (item == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "no group in parent"); if (item != group) parse_error(cfile, "got a different group from parent"); mapRemove(parent, "group"); /* classify content */ while (mapSize(group) > 0) { handle = mapPop(group); if ((handle == NULL) || (handle->key == NULL) || (handle->value == NULL)) parse_error(cfile, "can't get group item at %u", order); handle->order = order++; switch (handle->value->kind) { case TOPLEVEL: case ROOT_GROUP: case GROUP_DECL: badkind: parse_error(cfile, "impossible group item (kind %d) " "for %s at order %u", handle->value->kind, handle->key, order); case HOST_DECL: if (strcmp(handle->key, "reservations") != 0) parse_error(cfile, "expected reservations " "got %s at %u", handle->key, order); if (hosts != NULL) parse_error(cfile, "got reservations twice " "at %u and %u", hosts->order, order); if ((parent->kind == HOST_DECL) || (parent->kind == CLASS_DECL)) parse_error(cfile, "host declarations not " "allowed here."); hosts = handle; handle = NULL; break; case SHARED_NET_DECL: if (strcmp(handle->key, "shared-networks") != 0) parse_error(cfile, "expected shared-networks " "got %s at %u", handle->key, order); if ((parent->kind == SHARED_NET_DECL) || (parent->kind == HOST_DECL) || (parent->kind == SUBNET_DECL) || (parent->kind == CLASS_DECL)) parse_error(cfile, "shared-network parameters " "not allowed here."); shares = handle; handle = NULL; break; case SUBNET_DECL: key = local_family == AF_INET ? "subnet4" : "subnet6"; if (strcmp(handle->key, key) != 0) parse_error(cfile, "expected %s got %s at %u", key, handle->key, order); if (subnets != NULL) parse_error(cfile, "got %s twice at %u and %u", key, subnets->order, order); if ((parent->kind == HOST_DECL) || (parent->kind == SUBNET_DECL) || (parent->kind == CLASS_DECL)) parse_error(cfile, "subnet declarations not " "allowed here."); subnets = handle; handle = NULL; break; case CLASS_DECL: if (strcmp(handle->key, "client-classes") != 0) parse_error(cfile, "expected client-classes " "got %s at %u", handle->key, order); if (classes != NULL) parse_error(cfile, "got %s twice at %u and %u", key, classes->order, order); if (parent->kind == CLASS_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "class declarations not " "allowed here."); classes = handle; handle = NULL; break; case POOL_DECL: if (strcmp(handle->key, "pd-pools") == 0) { if (pdpools != NULL) parse_error(cfile, "got pd-pools " "twice at %u and %u", pdpools->order, order); pdpools = handle; } else if (strcmp(handle->key, "pools") == 0) { if (pools != NULL) parse_error(cfile, "got pools twice " "at %u and %u", pools->order, order); pools = handle; } else parse_error(cfile, "expecyed [pd-]pools got " "%s at %u", handle->key, order); if (parent->kind == POOL_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "pool declared within " "pool."); if ((parent->kind == HOST_DECL) || (parent->kind == CLASS_DECL)) parse_error(cfile, "pool declared outside " "of network"); handle = NULL; break; default: if (handle->value->kind != PARAMETER) goto badkind; } if (handle == NULL) continue; /* we have a parameter */ param = handle->value; /* group name */ if (strcmp(handle->key, "name") == 0) { name = stringValue(param)->content; continue; } /* unexpected values */ if ((strcmp(handle->key, "reservations") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "group") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "shared-networks") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "subnet4") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "subnet6") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "subnet") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "client-classes") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "hw-address") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "ip-address") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "extra-ip-addresses") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "ip-addresses") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "prefixes") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "pool") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "prefix") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "delegated-len") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "prefix-len") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "prefix-highest") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "option-def") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "hostname") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "client-id") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "host-identifier") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "flex-id") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "test") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "authoritative") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "dhcp-ddns") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "host-reservation-identifiers") == 0)) parse_error(cfile, "unexpected parameter %s " "in group at %u", handle->key, order); /* to parent at group position */ if ((strcmp(handle->key, "option-space") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "server-duid") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "statement") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "config") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "ddns-update-style") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "echo-client-id") == 0)) { if (!marked) { struct string *msg; marked = ISC_TRUE; msg = makeString(-1, "/// moved from group"); if (name != NULL) appendString(msg, " "); appendString(msg, name); comment = createComment(msg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(¶m->comments, comment); } mapSet(parent, param, handle->key); free(handle); continue; } /* To reconsider: qualifying-suffix, enable-updates */ if ((strcmp(handle->key, "option-data") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "allow") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "deny") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "interface") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "valid-lifetime") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "preferred-lifetime") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "renew-timer") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "rebind-timer") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "boot-file-name") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "server-hostname") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "next-server") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "match-client-id") == 0)) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&downs, handle); continue; } /* unknown */ if (!marked) { struct string *msg; marked = ISC_TRUE; msg = makeString(-1, "/// moved from group"); if (name != NULL) appendString(msg, " "); appendString(msg, name); comment = createComment(msg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(¶m->comments, comment); } comment = createComment("/// unhandled parameter"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(¶m->comments, comment); param->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; mapSet(parent, param, handle->key); free(handle); } TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(handle, &downs, nh) { if (strcmp(handle->key, "option-data") == 0) { option_data_derive(cfile, handle, hosts); option_data_derive(cfile, handle, shares); option_data_derive(cfile, handle, subnets); derive_classes(cfile, handle, classes); option_data_derive(cfile, handle, pdpools); option_data_derive(cfile, handle, pools); } else if ((strcmp(handle->key, "allow") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "deny") == 0)) { derive(handle, pdpools); derive(handle, pools); } else if ((strcmp(handle->key, "interface") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "valid-lifetime") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "preferred-lifetime") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "renew-timer") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "rebind-timer") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "match-client-id") == 0)) { derive(handle, shares); derive(handle, subnets); } else if ((strcmp(handle->key, "boot-file-name") == 0) || (strcmp(handle->key, "server-hostname") == 0)) { derive(handle, hosts); derive_classes(cfile, handle, classes); } else if (strcmp(handle->key, "next-server") == 0) { derive(handle, hosts); derive(handle, subnets); derive_classes(cfile, handle, classes); } else parse_error(cfile, "unexpected parameter %s to derive", handle->key); } if (hosts != NULL) { struct element *root; root = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "reservations"); if (root == NULL) mapSet(cfile->stack[1], hosts->value, "reservations"); else concat(root, hosts->value); } if (shares != NULL) { struct element *upper; upper = mapGet(parent, "shared-networks"); if (upper == NULL) mapSet(parent, shares->value, "shared-networks"); else concat(upper, shares->value); } key = local_family == AF_INET ? "subnet4" : "subnet6"; if (subnets != NULL) { struct element *upper; upper = mapGet(parent, key); if (upper == NULL) mapSet(parent, subnets->value, key); else concat(upper, subnets->value); } if (classes != NULL) { struct element *upper; size_t where; int kind = 0; for (where = cfile->stack_top; where > 0; --where) { kind = cfile->stack[where]->kind; if ((kind == GROUP_DECL) || (kind == ROOT_GROUP)) break; } if (kind == GROUP_DECL) { upper = mapGet(cfile->stack[where], "client-classes"); if (upper == NULL) mapSet(cfile->stack[where], classes->value, "client-classes"); else concat_classes(cfile, upper, classes->value); } } if (pdpools != NULL) { struct element *upper; upper = mapGet(parent, "pd-pools"); if (upper == NULL) mapSet(parent, pdpools->value, "pools"); else concat(upper, pdpools->value); } if (pools != NULL) { struct element *upper; upper = mapGet(parent, "pools"); if (upper == NULL) mapSet(parent, pools->value, "pools"); else concat(upper, pools->value); } } /* * Specialized derivation routine for option-data * (options are identified by space + name and/or code */ static void option_data_derive(struct parse *cfile, struct handle *src, struct handle *dst) { struct element *list; struct element *item; struct element *opt_list; size_t i; if (dst == NULL) return; list = dst->value; assert(list != NULL); assert(list->type == ELEMENT_LIST); for (i = 0; i < listSize(list); i++) { item = listGet(list, i); assert(item != NULL); assert(item->type == ELEMENT_MAP); opt_list = mapGet(item, src->key); if (opt_list != NULL) { merge_option_data(src->value, opt_list); continue; } opt_list = copy(src->value); mapSet(item, opt_list, src->key); } } /* * Specialized derivation routine for classes * (which are by reference so a resolution step is needed) */ static void derive_classes(struct parse *cfile, struct handle *src, struct handle *dst) { struct element *list; struct element *item; size_t i; if (dst == NULL) return; list = dst->value; assert(list != NULL); assert(list->type == ELEMENT_LIST); for (i = 0; i < listSize(list); i++) { item = listGet(list, i); assert(item != NULL); assert(item->type == ELEMENT_MAP); item = get_class(cfile, item); if (item == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "dangling class reference"); if (strcmp(src->key, "option-data") == 0) { struct element *opt_list; opt_list = mapGet(item, "option-data"); if (opt_list != NULL) merge_option_data(src->value, opt_list); else mapSet(item, copy(src->value), "option-data"); continue; } if (mapContains(item, src->key)) continue; mapSet(item, copy(src->value), src->key); } } /* fixed-addr-parameter :== ip-addrs-or-hostnames SEMI ip-addrs-or-hostnames :== ip-addr-or-hostname | ip-addrs-or-hostnames ip-addr-or-hostname */ struct element * parse_fixed_addr_param(struct parse *cfile, enum dhcp_token type) { const char *val; enum dhcp_token token; struct element *addr; struct element *addresses; struct string *address; addresses = createList(); TAILQ_CONCAT(&addresses->comments, &cfile->comments); do { address = NULL; if (type == FIXED_ADDR) address = parse_ip_addr_or_hostname(cfile, ISC_TRUE); else if (type == FIXED_ADDR6) address = parse_ip6_addr_txt(cfile); else parse_error(cfile, "requires FIXED_ADDR[6]"); if (address == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't parse fixed address"); addr = createString(address); /* Take the comment for resolution into multiple addresses */ TAILQ_CONCAT(&addr->comments, &cfile->comments); listPush(addresses, addr); token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == COMMA) token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); } while (token == COMMA); parse_semi(cfile); /* Sanity */ if (listSize(addresses) == 0) parse_error(cfile, "can't get fixed address"); return addresses; } #ifdef notyet /* Parse the right side of a 'binding value'. * * set foo = "bar"; is a string * set foo = false; is a boolean * set foo = %31; is a numeric value. */ static struct element * parse_binding_value(struct parse *cfile) { struct element *value = NULL; struct string *data; const char *val; unsigned buflen; int token; token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == STRING) { skip_token(&val, &buflen, cfile); data = makeString(buflen, val); value = createString(data); } else if (token == NUMBER_OR_NAME) { value = createMap(); data = parse_hexa(cfile); mapSet(value, createHexa(data), "const-data"); } else if (token == PERCENT) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != NUMBER) parse_error(cfile, "expecting decimal number."); value = createInt(atol(val)); } else if (token == NAME) { token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (!strcasecmp(val, "true")) value = createBool(ISC_TRUE); else if (!strcasecmp(val, "false")) value = createBool(ISC_FALSE); else parse_error(cfile, "expecting true or false"); } else parse_error(cfile, "expecting a constant value."); return value; } #endif /* address-range-declaration :== ip-address ip-address SEMI | DYNAMIC_BOOTP ip-address ip-address SEMI */ void parse_address_range(struct parse *cfile, int type, size_t where) { struct string *low, *high, *range; unsigned char addr[4]; unsigned len = sizeof(addr); enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; struct element *pool; struct element *r; struct range *chain; size_t i; int kind; if ((token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile)) == DYNAMIC_BOOTP) { skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); } /* Get the bottom address in the range... */ low = parse_numeric_aggregate(cfile, addr, &len, DOT, 10, 8); if (low == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't parse range (low)"); /* Only one address? */ token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == SEMI) high = low; else { /* Get the top address in the range... */ high = parse_numeric_aggregate(cfile, addr, &len, DOT, 10, 8); if (high == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't parse range (high)"); } token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != SEMI) parse_error(cfile, "semicolon expected."); if (type != POOL_DECL) { struct element *group; struct element *pools; #ifdef want_bootp struct element *permit; #endif group = cfile->stack[where]; pool = createMap(); #ifdef want_bootp permit = createList(); permit->skip = ISC_TRUE; /* Dynamic pools permit all clients. Otherwise we prohibit BOOTP clients. */ if (dynamic) { struct string *all; all = makeString(-1, "all clients"); listPush(permit, createString(all)); mapSet(pool, permit, "allow"); } else { struct string *dyn_bootp; dyn_bootp = makeString(-1, "dynamic bootp clients"); listPush(permit, createString(dyn_bootp)); mapSet(pool, permit, "deny"); } #endif pools = mapGet(group, "pools"); if (pools == NULL) { pools = createList(); pools->kind = POOL_DECL; mapSet(group, pools, "pools"); } listPush(pools, pool); } else pool = cfile->stack[where]; /* Create the new address range... */ if (memcmp(high->content, low->content, high->length) < 0) { struct string *swap; swap = low; low = high; high = swap; } range = makeStringExt(low->length, low->content, 'I'); appendString(range, " - "); concatString(range, makeStringExt(high->length, high->content, 'I')); r = createString(range); TAILQ_CONCAT(&r->comments, &cfile->comments); mapSet(pool, r, "pool"); chain = (struct range *)malloc(sizeof(*chain)); if (chain == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't allocate range"); memset(chain, 0, sizeof(*chain)); chain->pool = pool; for (i = where; i > 0; --i) { kind = cfile->stack[i]->kind; if (kind == SHARED_NET_DECL) { chain->share = cfile->stack[i]; break; } } chain->low = low; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&known_ranges, chain); } /* address-range6-declaration :== ip-address6 ip-address6 SEMI | ip-address6 SLASH number SEMI | ip-address6 [SLASH number] TEMPORARY SEMI */ void parse_address_range6(struct parse *cfile, int type, size_t where) { struct string *low, *high, *range; enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; isc_boolean_t is_temporary = ISC_FALSE; struct element *pool; struct element *r; struct range *chain; size_t i; int kind; if (local_family != AF_INET6) parse_error(cfile, "range6 statement is only supported " "in DHCPv6 mode."); /* * Read starting address as text. */ low = parse_ip6_addr_txt(cfile); if (low == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't parse range6 address (low)"); range = allocString(); concatString(range, low); /* * See if we we're using range or CIDR notation or TEMPORARY */ token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == SLASH) { appendString(range, val); /* * '/' means CIDR notation, so read the bits we want. */ skip_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != NUMBER) parse_error(cfile, "expecting number"); /* * no sanity checks */ appendString(range, val); /* * can be temporary (RFC 4941 like) */ token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == TEMPORARY) { is_temporary = ISC_TRUE; appendString(range, " "); appendString(range, val); skip_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); } } else if (token == TEMPORARY) { /* * temporary (RFC 4941) */ is_temporary = ISC_TRUE; appendString(range, "/64 "); appendString(range, val); skip_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); } else { /* * No '/', so we are looking for the end address of * the IPv6 pool. */ high = parse_ip6_addr_txt(cfile); if (high == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't parse range6 address (high)"); /* No sanity checks */ appendString(range, " - "); appendString(range, high->content); } token = next_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); if (token != SEMI) parse_error(cfile, "semicolon expected."); if (type != POOL_DECL) { struct element *group; struct element *pools; group = cfile->stack[where]; pool = createMap(); pools = mapGet(group, "pools"); if (pools == NULL) { pools = createList(); pools->kind = POOL_DECL; mapSet(group, pools, "pools"); } listPush(pools, pool); } else pool = cfile->stack[where]; r = createString(range); TAILQ_CONCAT(&r->comments, &cfile->comments); if (is_temporary) { pool->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; } mapSet(pool, r, "pool"); chain = (struct range *)malloc(sizeof(*chain)); if (chain == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't allocate range"); memset(chain, 0, sizeof(*chain)); chain->pool = pool; for (i = where; i > 0; --i) { kind = cfile->stack[i]->kind; if (kind == SHARED_NET_DECL) { chain->share = cfile->stack[i]; break; } } chain->low = low; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&known_ranges, chain); } /* prefix6-declaration :== ip-address6 ip-address6 SLASH number SEMI */ void parse_prefix6(struct parse *cfile, int type, size_t where) { struct string *lo, *hi; int plen; int bits; enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; struct element *pool; struct element *prefix; if (local_family != AF_INET6) parse_error(cfile, "prefix6 statement is only supported " "in DHCPv6 mode."); /* * Read starting and ending address as text. */ lo = parse_ip6_addr_txt(cfile); if (lo == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't parse prefix6 address (low)"); hi = parse_ip6_addr_txt(cfile); if (hi == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't parse prefix6 address (high)"); /* * Next is '/' number ';'. */ token = next_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); if (token != SLASH) parse_error(cfile, "expecting '/'"); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != NUMBER) parse_error(cfile, "expecting number"); bits = atoi(val); if ((bits <= 0) || (bits >= 128)) parse_error(cfile, "networks have 0 to 128 bits (exclusive)"); token = next_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); if (token != SEMI) parse_error(cfile, "semicolon expected."); if (type != POOL_DECL) { struct element *group; struct element *pools; group = cfile->stack[where]; pool = createMap(); pools = mapGet(group, "pd-pools"); if (pools == NULL) { pools = createList(); pools->kind = POOL_DECL; mapSet(group, pools, "pd-pools"); } listPush(pools, pool); } else pool = cfile->stack[where]; prefix = createString(lo); TAILQ_CONCAT(&prefix->comments, &cfile->comments); mapSet(pool, prefix, "prefix"); mapSet(pool, createInt(bits), "delegated-len"); plen = get_prefix_length(lo->content, hi->content); if (plen >= 0) mapSet(pool, createInt(plen), "prefix-len"); else { if (!pool->skip) cfile->issue_counter++; pool->skip = ISC_TRUE; mapSet(pool, createString(hi), "prefix-highest"); } } /* fixed-prefix6 :== ip6-address SLASH number SEMI */ void parse_fixed_prefix6(struct parse *cfile, size_t host_decl) { struct string *ia; enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; struct element *host; struct element *prefixes; struct element *prefix; if (local_family != AF_INET6) parse_error(cfile, "fixed-prefix6 statement is only " "supported in DHCPv6 mode."); /* * Get the fixed-prefix list. */ host = cfile->stack[host_decl]; prefixes = mapGet(host, "prefixes"); if (prefixes == NULL) { prefixes = createList(); mapSet(host, prefixes, "prefixes"); } ia = parse_ip6_addr_txt(cfile); if (ia == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't parse fixed-prefix6 address"); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != SLASH) parse_error(cfile, "expecting '/'"); appendString(ia, val); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != NUMBER) parse_error(cfile, "expecting number"); appendString(ia, val); token = next_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); if (token != SEMI) parse_error(cfile, "semicolon expected."); prefix = createString(ia); TAILQ_CONCAT(&prefix->comments, &cfile->comments); listPush(prefixes, prefix); } /*! * * \brief Parse a pool6 statement * * Pool statements are used to group declarations and permit & deny information * with a specific address range. They must be declared within a shared network * or subnet and there may be multiple pools withing a shared network or subnet. * Each pool may have a different set of permit or deny options. * * \param[in] cfile = the configuration file being parsed * \param[in] type = the type of the enclosing statement. This must be * SUBNET_DECL for this function. * * \return * void - This function either parses the statement and updates the structures * or it generates an error message and possible halts the program if * it encounters a problem. */ void parse_pool6_statement(struct parse *cfile, int type) { enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; isc_boolean_t done = ISC_FALSE; struct element *pool; struct element *pools; struct element *pdpool; struct element *pdpools; struct element *permit; struct element *prohibit; int declaration = 0; unsigned range_counter = 0; unsigned prefix_counter = 0; if (local_family != AF_INET6) parse_error(cfile, "pool6 statement is only supported " "in DHCPv6 mode."); pool = createMap(); pool->kind = POOL_DECL; TAILQ_CONCAT(&pool->comments, &cfile->comments); if (type != SUBNET_DECL) parse_error(cfile, "pool6s are only valid inside " "subnet statements."); parse_lbrace(cfile); stackPush(cfile, pool); type = POOL_DECL; permit = createList(); prohibit = createList(); do { token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); switch (token) { case RANGE6: skip_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); parse_address_range6(cfile, type, cfile->stack_top); range_counter++; break; case PREFIX6: skip_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); parse_prefix6(cfile, type, cfile->stack_top); mapSet(pool, createNull(), "***mark***"); prefix_counter++; break; case ALLOW: skip_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); get_permit(cfile, permit); break; case DENY: skip_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); get_permit(cfile, prohibit); break; case RBRACE: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); done = ISC_TRUE; break; case END_OF_FILE: /* * We can get to END_OF_FILE if, for instance, * the parse_statement() reads all available tokens * and leaves us at the end. */ parse_error(cfile, "unexpected end of file"); default: declaration = parse_statement(cfile, POOL_DECL, declaration); break; } } while (!done); cfile->stack_top--; generate_class(cfile, pool, permit, prohibit); /* * Spread and eventually split between pools and pd-pools */ if (prefix_counter == 0) { /* we need pools list */ pools = mapGet(cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top], "pools"); if (pools == NULL) { pools = createList(); pools->kind = POOL_DECL; mapSet(cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top], pools, "pools"); } /* no address or prefix range */ if (range_counter == 0) { struct comment *comment; comment = createComment("empty pool6"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pool->comments, comment); pool->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; listPush(pools, pool); return; } } else { /* we need pd-pools list */ pdpools = mapGet(cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top], "pd-pools"); if (pdpools == NULL) { pdpools = createList(); pdpools->kind = POOL_DECL; mapSet(cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top], pdpools, "pd-pools"); } /* split and purge copies */ pdpool = copy(pool); while (mapContains(pdpool, "pool")) mapRemove(pdpool, "pool"); while (mapContains(pool, "prefix")) mapRemove(pool, "prefix"); while (mapContains(pool, "prefix-len")) mapRemove(pool, "prefix-len"); while (mapContains(pool, "delegated-len")) mapRemove(pool, "delegated-len"); while (mapContains(pool, "excluded-prefix")) mapRemove(pool, "excluded-prefix"); while (mapContains(pool, "excluded-prefix-len")) mapRemove(pool, "excluded-prefix-len"); while (mapContains(pool, "***mark***")) mapRemove(pool, "***mark***"); /* spread extra prefixes into pdpool copies */ while (--prefix_counter != 0) { struct handle *handle; struct element *first; struct element *saved; isc_boolean_t seen = ISC_FALSE; first = createMap(); saved = copy(pdpool); while (mapSize(pdpool) > 0) { handle = mapPop(pdpool); if ((handle == NULL) || (handle->key == NULL) || (handle->value == NULL)) parse_error(cfile, "bad pdpool entry"); if (strcmp(handle->key, "***mark***") == 0) { if (!seen) { mapRemove(saved, handle->key); seen = ISC_TRUE; } continue; } if ((strcmp(handle->key, "prefix") != 0) && (strcmp(handle->key, "prefix-len") != 0) && (strcmp(handle->key, "delegated-len") != 0) && (strcmp(handle->key, "excluded-prefix") != 0) && (strcmp(handle->key, "excluded-prefix-len") != 0)) mapSet(first, handle->value, handle->key); else if (!seen) { mapSet(first, handle->value, handle->key); mapRemove(saved, handle->key); } } listPush(pdpools, first); pdpool = saved; } if (!mapContains(pdpool, "***mark***")) parse_error(cfile, "can't find prefix marker"); mapRemove(pdpool, "***mark***"); if (mapContains(pdpool, "***mark***")) parse_error(cfile, "unexpected prefix marker"); listPush(pdpools, pdpool); } /* Do pools now */ if (range_counter != 0) { /* we need pools list */ pools = mapGet(cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top], "pools"); if (pools == NULL) { pools = createList(); pools->kind = POOL_DECL; mapSet(cfile->stack[cfile->stack_top], pools, "pools"); } /* spread extra prefixes into pool copies */ while (--range_counter != 0) { struct handle *handle; struct element *first; struct element *saved; isc_boolean_t seen = ISC_FALSE; first = createMap(); saved = copy(pool); while (mapSize(pool) > 0) { handle = mapPop(pool); if ((handle == NULL) || (handle->key == NULL) || (handle->value == NULL)) parse_error(cfile, "bad pool entry"); if (strcmp(handle->key, "pool") != 0) mapSet(first, handle->value, handle->key); else if (!seen) { mapSet(first, handle->value, handle->key); mapRemove(saved, "pool"); seen = ISC_TRUE; } } listPush(pools, first); pool = saved; } listPush(pools, pool); } } /* allow-deny-keyword :== BOOTP | BOOTING | DYNAMIC_BOOTP | UNKNOWN_CLIENTS */ struct element * parse_allow_deny(struct parse *cfile, int flag) { enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; const char *value; const char *name; struct element *config; struct option *option; switch (flag) { case 0: value = "deny"; break; case 1: value = "allow"; break; case 2: value = "ignore"; break; default: value = "unknown?"; break; } token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); switch (token) { case TOKEN_BOOTP: name = "allow-bootp"; break; case BOOTING: name = "allow-booting"; break; case DYNAMIC_BOOTP: name = "dynamic-bootp"; break; case UNKNOWN_CLIENTS: name = "boot-unknown-clients"; break; case DUPLICATES: name = "duplicates"; break; case DECLINES: name = "declines"; break; case CLIENT_UPDATES: name = "client-updates"; break; case LEASEQUERY: name = "leasequery"; break; default: parse_error(cfile, "expecting allow/deny key"); } parse_semi(cfile); config = createMap(); mapSet(config, createString(makeString(-1, value)), "value"); mapSet(config, createString(makeString(-1, name)), "name"); option = option_lookup_name("server", name); if (option == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "unknown allow/deny keyword (%s)", name); mapSet(config, createInt(option->code), "code"); config->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; return config; } /* * When we parse a server-duid statement in a config file, we will * have the type of the server DUID to generate, and possibly the * actual value defined. * * server-duid llt; * server-duid llt ethernet|ieee802|fddi 213982198 00:16:6F:49:7D:9B; * server-duid ll; * server-duid ll ethernet|ieee802|fddi 00:16:6F:49:7D:9B; * server-duid en 2495 "enterprise-specific-identifier-1234"; */ void parse_server_duid_conf(struct parse *cfile) { enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; unsigned int len; struct string *ll_addr; struct element *duid; struct element *item; int ll_type; duid = createMap(); TAILQ_CONCAT(&duid->comments, &cfile->comments); /* * Consume the SERVER_DUID token. */ next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); /* * Obtain the DUID type. */ token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); /* * Enterprise is the easiest - enterprise number and raw data * are required. */ if (token == EN) { item = createString(makeString(-1, "EN")); mapSet(duid, item, "type"); /* * Get enterprise number and identifier. */ token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != NUMBER) parse_error(cfile, "enterprise number expected"); item = createInt(atoi(val)); mapSet(duid, item, "enterprise-id"); token = next_token(&val, &len, cfile); if (token != STRING) parse_error(cfile, "identifier expected"); /* Kea requires a hexadecimal identifier */ if (is_hexa_only(val, len)) item = createString(makeString(len, val)); else item = createString(makeStringExt(len, val, 'X')); mapSet(duid, item, "identifier"); } /* * Next easiest is the link-layer DUID. It consists only of * the LL directive, or optionally the specific value to use. * * If we have LL only, then we set the type. If we have the * value, then we set the actual DUID. */ else if (token == LL) { item = createString(makeString(-1, "LL")); mapSet(duid, item, "type"); if (peek_token(NULL, NULL, cfile) != SEMI) { /* * Get our hardware type and address. */ token = next_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); switch (token) { case ETHERNET: ll_type = HTYPE_ETHER; break; case TOKEN_RING: ll_type = HTYPE_IEEE802; break; case TOKEN_FDDI: ll_type = HTYPE_FDDI; break; default: parse_error(cfile, "hardware type expected"); } item = createInt(ll_type); mapSet(duid, item, "htype"); ll_addr = parse_hexa(cfile); if (ll_addr == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't get hardware address"); item = createString(ll_addr); mapSet(duid, item, "identifier"); } } /* * Finally the link-layer DUID plus time. It consists only of * the LLT directive, or optionally the specific value to use. * * If we have LLT only, then we set the type. If we have the * value, then we set the actual DUID. */ else if (token == LLT) { item = createString(makeString(-1, "LLT")); mapSet(duid, item, "type"); if (peek_token(NULL, NULL, cfile) != SEMI) { /* * Get our hardware type, timestamp, and address. */ token = next_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); switch (token) { case ETHERNET: ll_type = HTYPE_ETHER; break; case TOKEN_RING: ll_type = HTYPE_IEEE802; break; case TOKEN_FDDI: ll_type = HTYPE_FDDI; break; default: parse_error(cfile, "hardware type expected"); } item = createInt(ll_type); mapSet(duid, item, "htype"); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != NUMBER) parse_error(cfile, "timestamp expected"); item = createInt(atoi(val)); mapSet(duid, item, "time"); ll_addr = parse_hexa(cfile); if (ll_addr == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't get hardware address"); item = createString(ll_addr); mapSet(duid, item, "identifier"); } } /* * If users want they can use a number for DUID types. * This is useful for supporting future, not-yet-defined * DUID types. * * In this case, they have to put in the complete value. * * This also works for existing DUID types of course. */ else if (token == NUMBER) { item = createString(makeString(-1, val)); item->skip = ISC_TRUE; /* Kea wants EN, LL or LLT so skip the whole thing */ duid->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; mapSet(duid, item, "type"); token = next_token(&val, &len, cfile); if (token != STRING) parse_error(cfile, "identifier expected"); item = createString(makeString(len, val)); mapSet(duid, item, "identifier"); } /* * Anything else is an error. */ else parse_error(cfile, "DUID type of LLT, EN, or LL expected"); /* * Finally consume our trailing semicolon. */ token = next_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); if (token != SEMI) parse_error(cfile, "semicolon expected"); /* server-id is a global parameter */ if (mapContains(cfile->stack[1], "server-id")) parse_error(cfile, "there is already a server-id"); /* DHCPv6 only but not fatal */ if ((local_family != AF_INET6) && !duid->skip) { duid->skip = ISC_TRUE; cfile->issue_counter++; } mapSet(cfile->stack[1], duid, "server-id"); } /* Check whether the argument is encoded in hexadecimal or not */ static isc_boolean_t is_hexa_only(const char *s, unsigned l) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (!isxdigit((int)s[i])) return ISC_FALSE; return ISC_TRUE; } /*! * * \brief Parse (and execute) a directive (extension) * * OPTION SPACE [ALIAS ] [KNOWN*2|UNKNOWN*2|DYNAMIC] * OPTION . [CHECK] * [ALIAS ] * [CODE = ""] * [KNOWN*2|UNKNOWN*2|DYNAMIC] * [LOCAL|DEFINE] */ void parse_directive(struct parse *cfile) { enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; isc_boolean_t known; struct option *option; token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); switch (token) { case OPTION: skip_token(&val, NULL, cfile); token = peek_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == SPACE) { parse_option_space_dir(cfile); return; } known = ISC_FALSE; option = parse_option_name(cfile, ISC_TRUE, &known); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == CHECK) { struct string *datatype; isc_boolean_t is_array = ISC_FALSE; isc_boolean_t encapsulate = ISC_FALSE; datatype = convert_format(option->format, &is_array, &encapsulate); printf("option ISC DHCP (Kea)\n" " %s.%s (%s.%s)\n" " format \"%s\" (type \"%s\" " "array %s encap %s)\n" " status %s\n", option->space->old, option->old, option->space->name, option->name, option->format, datatype->content, is_array ? "true" : "false", encapsulate ? "true" : "false", display_status(option->status)); parse_semi(cfile); return; } if (option->space->status == special) parse_error(cfile, "attempt to modify config %s.%s", option->space->old, option->name); if (token == ALIAS) { token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (!is_identifier(token)) parse_error(cfile, "expecting identifier after " "alias keyword."); if (option->status != dynamic) parse_error(cfile, "attempt to rename %s.%s to %s", option->space->name, option->name, val); option->name = strdup(val); parse_semi(cfile); return; } if (token == CODE) { parse_option_code_dir(cfile, option); return; } if ((token == KNOWN) || (token == UNKNOWN) || (token == DYNAMIC)) { parse_option_status_dir(cfile, option, token); return; } if (token == LOCAL) { parse_option_local_dir(cfile, option); parse_semi(cfile); return; } if (token == DEFINE) { parse_option_define_dir(cfile, option); parse_semi(cfile); return; } parse_error(cfile, "unknown option directive %s", val); default: parse_error(cfile, "unknown directive %s", val); } } /* Set alias and status for option spaces */ void parse_option_space_dir(struct parse *cfile) { enum dhcp_token token; const char *val; struct space *space; skip_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); /* Discard SPACE */ token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (!is_identifier(token)) parse_error(cfile, "expecting identifier."); space = space_lookup(val); if (space == NULL) parse_error(cfile, "can't find space '%s", val); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token == CHECK) { printf("space ISC DHCP (kea)\n" " %s (%s)\n status %s\n%s", space->old, space->name, display_status(space->status), space->vendor != NULL ? " vendor\n" : ""); parse_semi(cfile); return; } if (token == ALIAS) { token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (!is_identifier(token)) parse_error(cfile, "expecting identifier after " "alias keyword."); if (space->status != dynamic) parse_error(cfile, "attempt to rename %s to %s", space->name, val); space->name = strdup(val); parse_semi(cfile); return; } if (token == DYNAMIC) space->status = dynamic; else if (token == UNKNOWN) { token = next_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); if (token == KNOWN) space->status = known; else if (token == UNKNOWN) space->status = kea_unknown; else parse_error(cfile, "expected KNOW or UNKNOWN"); } else if (token != UNKNOWN) parse_error(cfile, "expected KNOW or UNKNOWN or DYNAMIC"); else { if (token == KNOWN) space->status = isc_dhcp_unknown; else if (token == UNKNOWN) parse_error(cfile, "illicit combination: space " "%s is known by nobody", space->name); else parse_error(cfile, "expected KNOW or UNKNOWN"); } parse_semi(cfile); } /* Alternative to parse_option_code_decl using the raw ISC DHCP format */ void parse_option_code_dir(struct parse *cfile, struct option *option) { const char *val; enum dhcp_token token; unsigned code; struct element *def; struct element *optdef; struct string *datatype; isc_boolean_t is_array = ISC_FALSE; isc_boolean_t encapsulate = ISC_FALSE; def = createMap(); mapSet(def, createString(makeString(-1, option->space->name)), "space"); mapSet(def, createString(makeString(-1, option->name)), "name"); /* Parse the option code. */ token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != NUMBER) parse_error(cfile, "expecting option code number."); code = atoi(val); mapSet(def, createInt(code), "code"); /* We have the code so we can get the real option now */ if (option->code == 0) { struct option *from_code; option->code = code; from_code = option_lookup_code(option->space->old, code); if (from_code != NULL) option = from_code; } /* Redefinitions are not allowed */ if ((option->status != dynamic) || (strcmp(option->format, "u") != 0)) parse_error(cfile, "attempt to redefine %s.%s code %u", option->space->name, option->name, code); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != EQUAL) parse_error(cfile, "expecting \"=\""); token = next_token(&val, NULL, cfile); if (token != STRING) parse_error(cfile, "expecting format string"); option->format = strdup(val); parse_semi(cfile); datatype = convert_format(val, &is_array, &encapsulate); if ((datatype == NULL) && (strchr(datatype->content, '?') != NULL)) parse_error(cfile, "failed to convert format \"%s\" for " "option %s.%s code %u", val, option->space->name, option->name, code); /* todo */ if (encapsulate) parse_error(cfile, "option %s.%s code %u encapsulate?", option->space->name, option->name, code); if (strchr(datatype->content, ',') == NULL) mapSet(def, createString(datatype), "type"); else { mapSet(def, createString(datatype), "record-types"); mapSet(def, createString(makeString(-1, "record")), "type"); } if (is_array) mapSet(def, createBool(ISC_TRUE), "array"); optdef = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "option-def"); if (optdef == NULL) { optdef = createList(); mapSet(cfile->stack[1], optdef, "option-def"); } listPush(optdef, def); } /* Update the option status for instance to add standard options */ void parse_option_status_dir(struct parse *cfile, struct option *option, enum dhcp_token token) { if (token == DYNAMIC) option->status = dynamic; else if (token == KNOWN) { token = next_token(NULL, NULL, cfile); if (token == KNOWN) option->status = known; else if (token == UNKNOWN) option->status = kea_unknown; else parse_error(cfile, "expected KNOW or UNKNOWN"); } else if (token != UNKNOWN) parse_error(cfile, "expected KNOW or UNKNOWN or DYNAMIC"); else { if (token == KNOWN) option->status = isc_dhcp_unknown; else if (token == UNKNOWN) parse_error(cfile, "illicit combination: option " "%s.%s code %u is known by nobody", option->space->name, option->name, option->code); else parse_error(cfile, "expected KNOW or UNKNOWN"); } parse_semi(cfile); } /* Make the option definition not exported to Kea */ void parse_option_local_dir(struct parse *cfile, struct option *option) { struct element *optdef; struct element *def; struct element *elem; size_t i; def = NULL; if (option->code == 0) parse_error(cfile, "unknown code for option %s.%s", option->space->name, option->name); optdef = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "option-def"); if (optdef == NULL) { optdef = createList(); mapSet(cfile->stack[1], optdef, "option-def"); goto not_found; } for (i = 0; i < listSize(optdef); i++) { def = listGet(optdef, i); elem = mapGet(def, "space"); if ((elem == NULL) || (elem->type != ELEMENT_STRING)) parse_error(cfile, "got an option definition " "without space at %u", (unsigned)i); if (strcmp(option->space->name, stringValue(elem)->content) != 0) continue; elem = mapGet(def, "code"); if ((elem == NULL) || (elem->type != ELEMENT_INTEGER)) parse_error(cfile, "got an option definition " "without code at %u", (unsigned)i); if (intValue(elem) == option->code) break; } if (def == NULL) goto not_found; def->skip = ISC_TRUE; mapSet(def, createNull(), "no-export"); return; not_found: parse_error(cfile, "can't find option %s.%s code %u in definitions", option->space->name, option->name, option->code); } /* Make the opposite: force the definition */ void parse_option_define_dir(struct parse *cfile, struct option *option) { struct element *optdef; struct element *def; struct element *elem; struct string *datatype; isc_boolean_t is_array = ISC_FALSE; isc_boolean_t encapsulate = ISC_FALSE; size_t i; def = NULL; if (option->code == 0) parse_error(cfile, "unknown code for option %s.%s", option->space->name, option->name); optdef = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "option-def"); if (optdef == NULL) { optdef = createList(); mapSet(cfile->stack[1], optdef, "option-def"); goto no_search; } for (i = 0; i < listSize(optdef); i++) { def = listGet(optdef, i); elem = mapGet(def, "space"); if ((elem == NULL) || (elem->type != ELEMENT_STRING)) parse_error(cfile, "got an option definition " "without space at %u", (unsigned)i); if (strcmp(option->space->name, stringValue(elem)->content) != 0) continue; elem = mapGet(def, "code"); if ((elem == NULL) || (elem->type != ELEMENT_INTEGER)) parse_error(cfile, "got an option definition " "without code at %u", (unsigned)i); if (intValue(elem) == option->code) parse_error(cfile, "unexpected definition for " "option %s.%s code %u", option->space->name, option->name, option->code); } no_search: def = createMap(); mapSet(def, createString(makeString(-1, option->space->name)), "space"); mapSet(def, createString(makeString(-1, option->name)), "name"); mapSet(def, createInt(option->code), "code"); datatype = convert_format(option->format, &is_array, &encapsulate); if ((datatype == NULL) && (strchr(datatype->content, '?') != NULL)) parse_error(cfile, "failed to convert format \"%s\" for " "option %s.%s code %u", option->format, option->space->name, option->name, option->code); /* todo */ if (encapsulate) parse_error(cfile, "option %s.%s code %u encapsulate?", option->space->name, option->name, option->code); if (strchr(datatype->content, ',') == NULL) mapSet(def, createString(datatype), "type"); else { mapSet(def, createString(datatype), "record-types"); mapSet(def, createString(makeString(-1, "record")), "type"); } if (is_array) mapSet(def, createBool(ISC_TRUE), "array"); listPush(optdef, def); return; } /* * Push new interface on the interface list when it is not already. */ static void new_network_interface(struct parse *cfile, struct element *iface) { struct element *ifconf; struct element *iflist; struct string *name = stringValue(iface); int i; ifconf = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "interfaces-config"); if (ifconf == NULL) { ifconf = createMap(); mapSet(cfile->stack[1], ifconf, "interfaces-config"); } iflist = mapGet(ifconf, "interfaces"); if (iflist == NULL) { iflist = createList(); mapSet(ifconf, iflist, "interfaces"); } for (i = 0; i < listSize(iflist); i++) { struct element *item; item = listGet(iflist, i); if ((item != NULL) && (item->type == ELEMENT_STRING) && eqString(stringValue(item), name)) return; } listPush(iflist, createString(name)); } /* Convert address and mask in binary into address/len text */ static const uint32_t bitmasks[32 + 1] = { 0xffffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x3fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x0fffffff, 0x07ffffff, 0x03ffffff, 0x01ffffff, 0x00ffffff, 0x007fffff, 0x003fffff, 0x001fffff, 0x000fffff, 0x0007ffff, 0x0003ffff, 0x0001ffff, 0x0000ffff, 0x00007fff, 0x00003fff, 0x00001fff, 0x00000fff, 0x000007ff, 0x000003ff, 0x000001ff, 0x000000ff, 0x0000007f, 0x0000003f, 0x0000001f, 0x0000000f, 0x00000007, 0x00000003, 0x00000001, 0x00000000 }; static struct string * addrmask(const struct string *address, const struct string *netmask) { struct string *result; uint8_t plen; uint32_t mask; result = makeStringExt(address->length, address->content, 'I'); memcpy(&mask, netmask->content, 4); mask = ntohl(mask); for (plen = 0; plen <= 32; ++plen) if (~mask == bitmasks[plen]) break; if (plen > 32) return NULL; appendString(result, "/"); concatString(result, makeStringExt(1, (char *)&plen, 'B')); return result; } /* * find a place where to put a reservation * (reservations aka hosts must be in a subnet in Kea < 1.5) * (defaulting to the last defined subnet (e.g. for reservations * without any address). * (first step is to find an enclosing group). */ static struct element * find_match(struct parse *cfile, struct element *host, isc_boolean_t *used_heuristicp) { struct element *address; struct subnet *subnet; char addr[16]; size_t group; size_t i, len; int kind; if (global_hr) { struct element *hosts; hosts = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "reservations"); if (!hosts) { mapSet(cfile->stack[1], createString(makeString(-1, "global")), "reservation-mode"); hosts = createList(); mapSet(cfile->stack[1], hosts, "reservations"); } *used_heuristicp = ISC_FALSE; return cfile->stack[1]; } for (group = cfile->stack_top; group > 0; --group) { kind = cfile->stack[group]->kind; if ((kind == GROUP_DECL) || (kind == ROOT_GROUP)) break; } if (!group) parse_error(cfile, "can't find root group"); if (kind == GROUP_DECL) return cfile->stack[group]; if (local_family == AF_INET) { address = mapGet(host, "ip-address"); if (address == NULL) { if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&known_subnets)) return cfile->stack[1]; if (used_heuristicp) *used_heuristicp = ISC_TRUE; return TAILQ_LAST(&known_subnets, subnets)->subnet; } len = 4; } else { address = mapGet(host, "ip-addresses"); if (address == NULL) { if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&known_subnets)) return cfile->stack[1]; if (used_heuristicp) *used_heuristicp = ISC_TRUE; return TAILQ_LAST(&known_subnets, subnets)->subnet; } address = listGet(address, 0); if (address == NULL) return TAILQ_LAST(&known_subnets, subnets)->subnet; len = 16; } if (inet_pton(local_family, stringValue(address)->content, addr) != 1) parse_error(cfile, "bad address %s", stringValue(address)->content); TAILQ_FOREACH(subnet, &known_subnets) { isc_boolean_t matching = ISC_TRUE; if (subnet->mask->length != len) continue; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if ((addr[i] & subnet->mask->content[i]) != subnet->addr->content[i]) { matching = ISC_FALSE; break; } if (matching) return subnet->subnet; } return cfile->stack[1]; } /* * find a subnet where to put a pool * (pools are not allowed at shared-network level in Kea) */ static struct element * find_location(struct element *share, struct range *range) { struct subnet *subnet; size_t i; TAILQ_FOREACH(subnet, &known_subnets) { isc_boolean_t matching = ISC_TRUE; if (subnet->share != share) continue; if (subnet->mask->length != range->low->length) continue; for (i = 0; i < range->low->length; i++) if ((range->low->content[i] & subnet->mask->content[i]) != subnet->addr->content[i]) { matching = ISC_FALSE; break; } if (matching) return subnet->subnet; } return NULL; } /* * Compute a prefix length from lower - higher IPv6 addresses. */ static const uint8_t bytemasks[8] = { 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xfe, 0xff }; static int get_prefix_length(const char *low, const char *high) { uint8_t lo[16]; uint8_t hi[16]; uint8_t xor[16]; int i, plen; if ((inet_pton(AF_INET6, low, lo) != 1) || (inet_pton(AF_INET6, high, hi) != 1)) return -100; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) xor[i] = lo[i] ^ hi[i]; for (plen = 0; plen < 128; plen += 8) if (xor[plen / 8] != 0) break; if (plen == 128) return plen; for (i = (plen / 8) + 1; i < 16; i++) if (xor[i] != 0) return -2; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { uint8_t msk = ~xor[plen / 8]; if (msk == bytemasks[i]) return plen + i + 1; } return -1; } /* * Get a (global) class from its reference, i.e.: * - name for a (super)class * - super, and binary or string for a subclass */ static struct element * get_class(struct parse *cfile, struct element *ref) { struct element *classes; struct element *class; struct element *name; struct element *selector; struct element *param; size_t i; classes = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "client-classes"); if ((classes == NULL) || (listSize(classes) == 0)) return NULL; name = mapGet(ref, "super"); if (name == NULL) { name = mapGet(ref, "name"); if (name == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < listSize(classes); i++) { class = listGet(classes, i); if (mapContains(ref, "super")) continue; param = mapGet(class, "name"); if (param == NULL) continue; if (eqString(stringValue(name), stringValue(param))) return class; } return NULL; } selector = mapGet(ref, "string"); if (selector == NULL) { selector = mapGet(ref, "binary"); if (selector == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; i 0) { sitem = listGet(src, 0); listRemove(src, 0); class = get_class(cfile, sitem); if (class == NULL) /* just ignore */ continue; dup = ISC_FALSE; for (i = 0; i < listSize(dst); i++) { ditem = listGet(dst, i); if (class == get_class(cfile, ditem)) { dup = ISC_TRUE; break; } } if (dup) continue; listPush(dst, sitem); } } /* Generate a class from allow/deny member lists */ static void generate_class(struct parse *cfile, struct element *pool, struct element *allow, struct element *deny) { struct element *classes; struct element *class; struct element *elem; struct element *prop; struct element *depend; struct element *result = NULL; struct string *name; struct string *expr; struct string *msg; struct comments comments; struct comment *comment; isc_boolean_t rescan; size_t i; if ((listSize(allow) == 0) && (listSize(deny) == 0)) return; classes = mapGet(cfile->stack[1], "generated-classes"); if (classes == NULL) { classes = createList(); mapSet(cfile->stack[1], classes, "generated-classes"); } /* Create comments */ TAILQ_INIT(&comments); comment = createComment("/// From:"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&comments, comment); for (i = 0; i < listSize(allow); i++) { struct element *alias; elem = listGet(allow, i); assert(elem != NULL); prop = mapGet(elem, "class"); assert(prop != NULL); assert(prop->type == ELEMENT_STRING); alias = mapGet(elem, "real"); msg = makeString(-1, "/// allow "); concatString(msg, stringValue(alias ? alias : prop)); comment = createComment(msg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&comments, comment); } for (i = 0; i < listSize(deny); i++) { struct element *alias; elem = listGet(deny, i); assert(elem != NULL); prop = mapGet(elem, "class"); assert(prop != NULL); assert(prop->type == ELEMENT_STRING); alias = mapGet(elem, "real"); msg = makeString(-1, "/// deny "); concatString(msg, stringValue(alias ? alias : prop)); comment = createComment(msg->content); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&comments, comment); } TAILQ_CONCAT(&comments, &allow->comments); TAILQ_CONCAT(&comments, &deny->comments); /* Deal with special cases */ for (;;) { rescan = ISC_FALSE; for (i = 0; i < listSize(allow); i++) { elem = listGet(allow, i); assert(elem != NULL); prop = mapGet(elem, "way"); assert(prop != NULL); assert(prop->type == ELEMENT_BOOLEAN); class = mapGet(elem, "class"); assert(class != NULL); assert(class->type == ELEMENT_STRING); /* allow !ALL and other */ if (eqString(stringValue(class), CLASS_ALL) && !boolValue(prop) && (listSize(allow) > 1)) { listRemove(allow, i); rescan = ISC_TRUE; break; } /* allow ALL alone */ if (eqString(stringValue(class), CLASS_ALL) && boolValue(prop) && (listSize(allow) == 1)) { resetList(allow); rescan = ISC_TRUE; break; } } if (!rescan) break; } for (;;) { rescan = ISC_FALSE; for (i = 0; i < listSize(deny); i++) { elem = listGet(deny, i); assert(elem != NULL); prop = mapGet(elem, "way"); assert(prop != NULL); assert(prop->type == ELEMENT_BOOLEAN); class = mapGet(elem, "class"); assert(class != NULL); assert(class->type == ELEMENT_STRING); /* DENY !ALL */ if (eqString(stringValue(class), CLASS_ALL) && !boolValue(prop)) { listRemove(deny, i); rescan = ISC_TRUE; break; } /* DENY ALL */ if (eqString(stringValue(class), CLASS_ALL) && boolValue(prop)) { resetList(allow); if (listSize(deny) > 1) { listRemove(deny, i); resetList(deny); listPush(deny, elem); } break; } } if (!rescan) break; } /* Fully cleaned? */ if ((listSize(allow) == 0) && (listSize(deny) == 0)) { if (result != NULL) TAILQ_CONCAT(&result->comments, &comments); else TAILQ_CONCAT(&pool->comments, &comments); return; } /* Unique allow member short cut */ if ((listSize(allow) == 1) && (listSize(deny) == 0) && !allow->skip && !deny->skip) { elem = listGet(allow, 0); assert(elem != NULL); prop = mapGet(elem, "way"); assert(prop != NULL); assert(prop->type == ELEMENT_BOOLEAN); class = mapGet(elem, "class"); assert(class != NULL); assert(class->type == ELEMENT_STRING); if (boolValue(prop)) { result = createString(stringValue(class)); TAILQ_CONCAT(&result->comments, &comments); mapSet(pool, result, "client-class"); return; } } /* Build name */ name = makeString(-1, "gen#"); for (i = 0; i < listSize(allow); i++) { elem = listGet(allow, i); assert(elem != NULL); prop = mapGet(elem, "way"); assert(prop != NULL); assert(prop->type == ELEMENT_BOOLEAN); if (!boolValue(prop)) appendString(name, "!"); prop = mapGet(elem, "class"); assert(prop != NULL); assert(prop->type == ELEMENT_STRING); concatString(name, stringValue(prop)); appendString(name, "#"); } if (listSize(deny) > 0) { appendString(name, "_AND_#"); for (i = 0; i < listSize(deny); i++) { elem = listGet(deny, i); assert(elem != NULL); prop = mapGet(elem, "way"); assert(prop != NULL); assert(prop->type == ELEMENT_BOOLEAN); if (boolValue(prop)) appendString(name, "!"); prop = mapGet(elem, "class"); assert(prop != NULL); assert(prop->type == ELEMENT_STRING); concatString(name, stringValue(prop)); appendString(name, "#"); } } /* Check if it already exists */ for (i = 0; i < listSize(classes); i++) { struct element *descr; class = listGet(classes, i); assert(class != NULL); descr = mapGet(class, "name"); assert(descr != NULL); assert(descr->type == ELEMENT_STRING); if (!eqString(name, stringValue(descr))) continue; result = createString(name); TAILQ_CONCAT(&result->comments, &comments); mapSet(pool, result, "client-class"); return; } /* Create expression */ class = createMap(); depend = createList(); expr = allocString(); if ((listSize(allow) > 0) && (listSize(deny) > 0)) appendString(expr, "("); for (i = 0; i < listSize(allow); i++) { isc_boolean_t negative; if (i > 0) appendString(expr, " or "); elem = listGet(allow, i); prop = mapGet(elem, "way"); negative = !boolValue(prop); prop = mapGet(elem, "class"); if (negative) appendString(expr, "not "); appendString(expr, "member('"); concatString(expr, stringValue(prop)); appendString(expr, "')"); listPush(depend, createString(stringValue(prop))); } if ((listSize(allow) > 0) && (listSize(deny) > 0)) appendString(expr, ") and "); for (i = 0; i < listSize(deny); i++) { isc_boolean_t negative; if (i > 0) appendString(expr, " and "); elem = listGet(deny, i); prop = mapGet(elem, "way"); negative = boolValue(prop); prop = mapGet(elem, "class"); if (negative) appendString(expr, "not "); appendString(expr, "member('"); concatString(expr, stringValue(prop)); appendString(expr, "')"); listPush(depend, createString(stringValue(prop))); } mapSet(class, createString(name), "name"); mapSet(class, createString(expr), "test"); mapSet(class, depend, "depend"); /* inherit untranslatable cases */ class->skip |= allow->skip || deny->skip; listPush(classes, class); result = createString(name); TAILQ_CONCAT(&result->comments, &comments); mapSet(pool, result, "client-class"); }